Base color isn't changing

I was following a YouTube tutorial to make the texture look like wood, but nothing I was doing was changing the material, it remained red. I tried with different materials and models, but it still remained red. What can I do?

Also, the only thing that seems to change is the metallic property, turning the object’s color to a gray, as if it were colorless.

Hi, go to the shading mode and check there.

Hi! Nothing has changed.

A screenshot of your shader will help.

I tried increasing the metallic value and for some reason it worked… is this a bug?

Not that i am aware of. To be a bug you will have to re produce it.
Your first image material is 004 the last one is 003?

I tried creating a new material and using the same node setup, and it worked.
And yes, I had tried with different materials, and all of them were turning red, that’s why they have different numbers.

Here it is without any changes to the metallic. Here it is with no changes to the metallic value. Above 400 it gets closer to the configured color.

Why not show all the texture setup? why you have cropped it?

Are you referring to that? I apologize, it was unintentional.

If you reproduced it then it must be a bug, i am on 4,2 so never came across it.

Got it. I’m using the latest Blender version from Steam.

its probably a bug, change the IQR to 1.000, in the shadingsettings that should resolve the problem however if you change this value it would be red again so I recomend to install another version

Yes something strange here.
What I do not understand is why the background of the material preview is red. It should be a grey checkered pattern.


I would say there is something wrong either with the blender version or some weird add-on, as far as I know there is no way to change that background to red.

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Yeah I’m noticing that too, maybe your world lighting itself is red? I didn’t even know you could change that background there

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Not mine, it is the OP’s screenshot, I can not reproduce.

I do not think you can (unless there is a hidden setting I am not aware of)

It is linked to the colour management settings but I still do not know how to make it red :person_shrugging:

False colour is the only one that will colour it (although you still see the checkered background).

Perhaps a red volume scatter or absorption in the world shader?