Basic rigging and weigh paint doesn’t work

I’m very new at rigging and have only play with rigging in simple 3 to 4 bones models but for some odd reason nothing works on this model. It is most likely me who is doing something wrong. but no matter witch YouTube tutorial I follow nothing act as expected.
Using automate wight paint, create vertex group but no weight is applied, you can’t see layer and protected layers and your can’t weight pain. So I try with empty group same result. Please help and use pictures and simple explanations. Expected result.


Expected result.

And I can’t weight paint.

An uncropped screenshot would tell more, but your dragon appears to be in edit mode in the last picture. You can assign weights to groups in edit mode, but you can’t weight paint in the traditional manner. If you’re in weightpaint mode the model should be the same blue color as your expected results pictures. It may also be a bright pink/purple:

In this case, it’s likely that you have a bone heat error. Did you notice a message at the bottom of the screen that said something like “Failed to assign weights to one or more bones”? You can try cleaning up the mesh.

In object mode: Apply Scale to both the rig and the dragon.

Go into edit mode on the dragon: Select all the verts, hit M: then select By Distance in the menu that pops up to remove doubles.

ALT N: Recalculate Outside:

After that, try reweighting with autoweights, with the dragon back in object mode.

If none of that works, if you want to link the file I’ll take a look at it.

I follow you easy to follow steps and can now weight pain but bone layer and automatic weight stil doesn’t work. Model link google drive

PS I have received no error message

Your file requires anyone that wants to look at it to request access. Please switch it to “anyone with link”.

Thank you so much.

I got the bone heat weighting error. I did a little clean up in the mouth where remove doubles welded the top lip to the bottom lip, divided the mesh into parts, got those parts weighted, then merged those parts back together.

The weights you have here aren’t perfect, but maybe you can use it as a starting point.

You are a life safer. Thank your so much. is there stil a error since bone layer aren’t visable?.

You’re welcome :). I don’t see any layers that aren’t visible unless you have bones that aren’t one the first layer.

Your file wouldn’t open in 3.12 (What I use for my own work), so I popped it into 4 point something. The 4 series uses Bone Collections rather than layers. Is that what you’re looking for?

I very new a rigging and therefor haven Benn follow this YouTube tutorial.
And in this tutorial, he first creates a simple rig and use weight paint. Afterwords he presses object data properties and get this menu.

But I don’t get the same menu my menu looks like this

So what wrong. did i do something wrong?

No, you didn’t, you’re using a different blender version. Bone Collections replaced Bone Layers, so where he’s got squares and dots you have a list of collections. Basically, you can think of each collection as a layer. So if he moves a bone to Layer Two, you would make a new collection, name it whatever you want, and put the bone in it.

(The colors aren’t part of collections, I put them there to show the different collections more clearly.)

really Cool how did you chance the colour of the bones

thanks for all the help.

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It’s under viewport display in edit mode, Bone Tab.

If you want to do multiple bones at the same time select all the bones that should have that color, then ALT click the color you want.