Batchrendering with integrated Background

I want to batchrender multiple cameras in a scene with integrated background as a separate layer in a multilayer EXR file.

For batch rendering I use the following add-on:

I have only found instructions for manually adjusting the scaling for background rendering. Here for example

The goal is that the background image, which is different in each camera and placed differently, is automatically rendered into the OpenEXR file as a single layer without any manual steps.

Is there a node for the compositor or a script that allows me to automate this?

Welcome :tada:

I did a (very) quick test with the multi camera addon (heard already about it…) but run into some problems about… AttributeError: Writing to ID classes in this context is not allowed

Hmm usually to add an image to the exr you do something like this:

But then you are producing (?) the normal blender output and the file node output… (there was/is some consusion about it … at least for me)… both could be OpenExrMultiLayer but AFAIK only in the output node you can select different layers…

Also for me (maybe because of 3.3.1 for this… ??) the camera outputs are different (with Q in the output node) but it’s only outputing the B camera (and not the standard output for both as with the addon)…

i’m perplexed now… :crazy_face: