Bathroom in abandoned house

This is my first project. The idea is to create photorealistic ruined and somehow scary bathroom, but in the moment I think it rather looks like it was painted. How can I improve it?

Welcome :tada:,
really nice (and now the:) but i thing the light is too harsh… the shadows make the toothpaste modell like an inserted photo snipped and the yellowish lights on top seem to dispear… maybe also any ragged tattered curtain ??
(Is this water in the sink or the wood from the cupboard.)

Thanks for advice, much appreciated.
I made lights softer and rearengged items a little. Also dirt on mirrors is lighter and I allowed right part of it reflect something, I think it now looks more like a mirror. Sink is empty :slightly_smiling_face: Now it has little bit more light inside, I hope it looks like that now.

Oh yes… does look better…to be honest i thought this image was in portrait format… :person_facepalming: yes i recogized the left and right side as black borders…