Bathroom - modeling study

I spent some time re-creating my real bathroom, to study hard surface modeling [EDIT: mostly committed and cleaned by hand before the end, thanks @Bostogne for calling me out on this].
Everything is modeled and shaded from scratch, and uses procedural materials, with the exception of the labels on the detergents, which I made in Illustrator.
Also the water drops around the shower, and some grunge map I perused from Fluent Materializer.

I used geometry nedes for the heater (length of the array, height and depth of the heating tubes) and for the venetian curtain (width of the curtain, length of the array, angle of openess of the slabs; in this case I then applied the modifier and adjusted the weariness for realism).

More here:

Most of the dirt / ruination is made via shader; I just added debris on the floor in post in Photoshop.
The tile shader allows for a lot of customization, but I could and should simplify it.


Great to see an everyday scene :slight_smile: funny you added the grungy scene. I hope it doesn’t look like that too often.
I tried to find cues, but where did you use the hard surface modeling techniques? From the cage most of the surfaces look nicely quad.
And why to use geometry nodes over regular modifiers? Curious to see how you used that.
I like the hues in the orange tiles in picture 2.

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Thanks! :slight_smile:
I have to say, the real one, sadly, looks a bit in between the two, due to a recent pipe breaking in the floor above, and it would use a coat of paint in any case.

Re: the hard surface modeling; the three bathroom fixtures (the ceramics) started all three as simple geometry using booleans, and pipe connections too, plus bevels modifiers on weighs.
I ended up committing most of them, to have readable topology screenshots; one of the surviving using the modifier stack is on the bathtub.
I admit it’s not very much of that or very complex, and the objects ended up instead relying more on subdiv modifier, I think I was lacking a good desriptor for this.

Geometry nodes for the heater and the venetian curtains are too complex to be created in modifiers - with my limited understanding in any case; both instance vertical segments on a horizontal one, both horizontal and vertical segments are subdivided, so basically I have the top, bottom, left and right points of any segment, plus any point in the middle where to instance different geometry.
Hence the customizability. It’s mostly the same as a my procedural building nodes: Real sizes procedural Building - #16 by marcolomeo

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Building maintenance can be quite a headache, sorry for that.

Maybe I secretly hoped you found an easy way from hardsurface into great topology. So I totally understand you fixed the topology for the screenshots. Did you also manually do the fillet/bevel on the handle-fixture left of the bathtub?
I also should learn geometry nodes more :slight_smile:

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Ah, nothing to be sorry about! :slight_smile:

By handle fixture do you mean the hanger for the towels? That is just a segment, beveled, transformed to curve + curve modifier, applied, and the parts where attaches to the wall two cilinders, manually beveled.

Really cool work and the material trashification system looks super neat !

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Great scene! Congrats.

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Thank you guys, you’re too kind :slight_smile: