
I did this work inspired by the art of Juan Siquier, hope you like

softwar:blender,yafaray,render time 0:30 minuts

I saw that design in my dream! the dirty bathroom… :smiley: whatever, the textures very good. ehm… but your bat at design the sky. sky must be blue and dark blue or blue and reddish.

Julio, are you using Direct Lighting? I’m not sure about the behaviour of the light, it doesn’t look natural, and this sensation grows when you look the Siquier’s bathroom… maybe you could try with photon mapping, should work better.

I also think you should turn on GI. Textures look great though. :smiley:


What lighting method have you used? It is a great scene (modelling and texturing) but I believe you have not explored yet the full lighting posibilities of Yafaray.