As some of you already know, I’ve been working on a small, cross-platform game engine for Blender, built on top of libGDX. I wanted my initial release to be something more complete, but due to various setbacks, and an overall recognition that my initial goals were a bit too ambitious, I decided to release BDX in its current form, and work from there.
I need the community to test the core of the engine, so that I can ensure that existing development architecture functions properly on most systems, before I go on to add more features, write documentation, and make tutorials.
Here’s a video that elaborates on those points (and also demonstrates a portion of the existing API):
While I will be grateful for whatever time you can actually contribute to test this project, what I really need are testers willing to re-test new releases of BDX, as I provide them to address reported issues.
So, reporting an error/bug to the issues tracker is good, but sticking around to confirm that it’s resolved would be really helpful.
Project page:
Link to the latest releases, the issues tracker, and the wiki are all available from there.