Beast thing

I think i’m done with this. i wanted to do a bit more with the environment, but my GPU is at its limitand this thing has had enough time on it already. sculpted and retopo in 2.8. multires, baking and render in 2.79

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Cool concept !

But we have to become better !

So fist of all the Floor. Its made out of Stone but it is way to reflective. There are no Bumps or any Displacement.
Also the room is a bit Empty. I think a bit Depth of Field would be very good.

Nice concept! Some more suggestions: The lighting is not very scary. I’d suggest removing the soft light from above, add red and blue spots from right-front and left front to make it much darker and more suggestive. Also, rotate the pillars so the UV borders are hidden.

Thanks for the feedback. the floor is only actually reflective around the creature itself. i used a wetmap to define an areawhere the creature would have slimed. for some reason though the area , which should actually be a lot darker, as if it was wet didint show well in the final render, it looked ok in the viewport, so yeah i should work on that. the floor is bumpy! though its just a bump map derived from the original image. i will have to start looking into proper displacement soon though i guess!
i did want to add more to the image, some benches and an alter and some candles and some monks but the scene was already far too heavy for my gpu, my monitoers are literally shut down during rendering because the gpu has to give everything it got to this simple scene!

i did try with DoF but it just made the shot look like a miniature, so i treid to dial it right bck to give a more subtle blur on the back wall. guess i dialed it back too far!

haha yeah lighting is my bane it is something i really need to work on! i will try with your lighting suggestions. yeah hush about the pillars, i would usually texture paint them so there wouldnt be any seams or repetition but i was bored of this and rushed through the finish!

Use more Layers. Put the Creature on one Layer and all the rest on another. This way you can just render the Creature or just the room. That should help.

There is this Tool called “Crazy Bump”, with this you can create your own Maps for any image. Its very useful.

yeah, i wanted to do as much of it as possible in 2.8 but the whole render layer system is completely fubar at the moment. i tried to follow pablo vasqus’s instuctions for render layers when he discussed it on his Blender Today live stream but i just ended up with a blank render. i’ll port the model over to 2.79 and see about putting together the recomendations from the feedback in this thread. my broke ass cant afford crazy bump, but i did have a copy of insane bump which is esentially the same thing, maybe i should download it again and give it a go. i have xNormal but i dont understand it so i havnt used it! :joy::joy:

hello, it’s a very good render maybe you should cast some more shadows on your scene with an area light…
and then turn it in an excellent render with some post prod… see you on ba

Thanks, any your right it does need better lighting. i did want the light to be mainly from the rose window, and some candles around the pillars but the window didnt work as i wanted or expected!

i like the monster,the lighting should be more dramatic.i have done a fast colorgrading in blender to make it (hopfully)a bit more cinematic.

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nice, the monster looks more dramatic for sure, though i think the background sceneryry needs a lot more work doing to it to make the image work

thanks,i am glad you like it.yes the backround.i would try, to keep the overall light, in this room ,dark.and give the monster a spotlight from the window for the rim light,and in front a key light to the mouth,and maybe a side fill light, to give the body a bit light.if you want a dark mood ,ofcourse.