Here’s a WIP. What is it that is keeping this from looking real? (In other words, what things give away that this is CG?)
Thanks for any input!
Update: Here’s version two:
Here’s a WIP. What is it that is keeping this from looking real? (In other words, what things give away that this is CG?)
Thanks for any input!
Update: Here’s version two:
Hey @jmo7, I would try it with the lighting. I would expect the brightest light coming from the window but the main light source seems to be in the upper right corner of your room…
Maybe you’ve seen this tutorial:
Or this:
Anyways! Keep up the good work!
Hi there, nice work! The book seems to be hanging above the table, not actually in contact with the table. I would bring it down a little, maybe even a little closer to the middle of the table. The weight of the backpack does not impact the surface of your duvet. The viewer cannot feel the weight of the backpack on the bed. I would bring it down as well, maybe tilt it a little (it looks a bit unnatural so upright and straight). With all that said, I really like what you have done here.
The main giveaway here is that nearly everything is clean, stiff, and straight. If you want realism, even if the inhabitant of a room is a super clean freak, things need to be a little messed up, a little bent, a little used; the edges can’t be knife-sharp because in real life everything is just a little beveled (except maybe a knife edge ). And pay attention to how real items affect the ones they rest on, if those are soft – the backpack needs to either indent the bed cover a little bit and wrinkle it (if it is stuffed full and heavy), or it needs to slump (if it is mostly empty), that sort of thing. You’ve done a bit of that with the cover edges around the bed; they’re a little uneven.
Good start though – I find it helps to build a clean version first, and only start tinkering after everything has a base model and is arranged in a scene you like.
I’d suggest reading the book ‘The Complete Guide to Photorealism for Visual Effects, Visualization and Games’ by Eran Dinur. It really goes into some valuable detail. I know reading it for sure helped me.
Man those are some nice recommendations!