My 1-st commercial. Seems like I only can use this for animation - too much flaws
The glass looks very thin. Beer isn’t transparent. And I don’t see shadows. And I’ve never seen such a beerglass…
The beer needs transparency! You should re-render this in cycles using the glass material (with different settings) for the beer, beer-bottle and the glass…
Wwoooww!!! Linuus, Apptux, thanks! This is my 1-st thread here, I didn’t expect it 2 be so soon! If you were back here, I’d like to talk bout it.
To simulate beer I mixed Translusent and Emission. Besides, I had 2 apply Gradient Texture to avoid uniform shading,
not bad but the bottle looks wrong. Also the glass does not have enough polys. The beer does NOT need transparency (maybe a little more), I guess these other posters don’t drink nice cloudy hefeweizens?
Thank you very much, guys. I hope you drop here once again to see my progress
can yu show nodes set up for cycles with trnaps +emisson and 2 gradiend text
although ive quit drinking now ( very difficult time) this does look quite good, as for the glass apptux its a similar shape to the kronenburg glasses (i was a bartender for a long time) the beer itself looks like a swedish white ale due to amount of head but the colour is more similar to peroni, i like it, but can you do an english bitter ale in an ale glass something like a doombar (very very dark, about 15mm of head) keep it up RIPP
Yes, Ricky, thanks… These nodes applied to the beverage gave me the following result (see next post and two pictures)
‘gradient’ rules the amount of emission of the baverage
Bizla, you talk beer so heatedly that one believes its a difficult time 4 you )))
aha, well luckily i have modelling to keep my mind clear… although sometimes you find a model that brings back memories haha
the new one with the gradient looks good, looks a little like the beer is still settling though because of the way it changes from light to dark, a brilliant effect if thats what you going for
Yes, and you were right about kronenburg glasses, I was monkeying Franzickaner thing from this poster
wow that is very close mate now you need to add the condensation droplets to really make this model good enough to drink looks a little warm at the moment ahah.
How? drawing hair with crease pencil?
i would create a semi sphere (uvshpere cut in half) resize it so that it looks about the size of a droplet and place on the side on the glass then duplicate and resize each one so that there not all exactly the same (wouldnt take as long as it sounds, maybe 15 minutes most) and use rotate with the cursor in the middle of the glass (change from median point to cursor) add transparancy with a low to median IOR till it looks about right then your done
you would also need to make the reflection on the glass fuzzy.
o.k. thanks, I’ll go 4 it