Beer & Bubbles

Been trying something a little different over the past few weeks and this is very much still WIP and I’ll continue to refine it as I learn/understand more.

Beer can is from an old project at I amended into the scene.
Water was created via the Ocean modifier.
Bubbles created in GeoNodes.



As always any questions please ask.


Dang! I think it’s your best yet! Very cool. I can’t see anything I’d change. The water bubbles looks awesome. Now I have to go see if I have any beer left.

Depth of field is done just right.

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Thank you very much, I always try to push the boundaries of what I’m doing to keep learning as thats what keeps me interested!

Always have beer in the house!

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thank you Bartv :heart:

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Wow these bubbles look amazing!
did you use an addon for that?

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Thanks! These took a while to get looking and working correct. :heart: The bubbles are all different GeoNodes setups and some have collision built in so they collide with the beer can correctly.