Hello, I’m new to these forums and to 3-d modeling. I have downloaded blender and tinkered with it, splitting to screen up into four and making spheres, easy easy things. I am kind of stumped on what i should do next, i look for tutorials on things and they expect you to be able to do alot.
Any information on what to do would be great, im having trouble with how to target certian things and put it into edit mode and make it bigger or smaller, im just lost and would like some guidence. This is my first post so i dont have a high post count but i have just started getting into 3-d modeling, im an avid gamer who would like to learn. As i said i have blender downloaded and have tinkered with it for a couple hours. Im a fast learner and good at things when their taught in a 1,2,3 style (all these other tutorials are trying to teach you beggining things but they want you to know other ways of doing things, very confusing…)
Any information would be much appreciated, im done talkijng up a storm,
you might want to get the Blender Essentials book, which comes out later this month. You can purchase it from the eshop link on the blender.org main page. Also try wiki.blender.org which has much of our documentation available.
Googling for tutorials can come up with lots of interesting things
Though if you’re really serious a book is great
Now to answer the question:
Any information on what to do would be great, im having trouble with how to target certian things and put it into edit mode and make it bigger or smaller,
Select and object by right-clicking on it
Switch to edit mode with the combo that shows ‘object mode’ and all that stuff
To scale, it is hotkey S. In edit mode, will scale selected parts, in object mode will scale the entire object.
My answer is very general, you probably had more specific problems, if so post them i’m not guru but i can help beginners a bit already
I teach a computer graphics class and find students have a hard time learning the basics as well as the interface. The blender beginner tutorials take you through a series of steps to give a well rounded idea of aspects of the interface. It goes through most aspects of the blenders 3d tools also. By altering the given scene you learn how to use blender. Here is the website: http://www.pagodaproductions.com/tiki/
I hope it helps.
-Mr. R
Thank you all for the feedback, i will try what you all have suggested, more feedback is welcome
@ LetterRip: I am going to be heading to a bookstore, i will make sure to look for a begginer blender book or something, and i will cheack out the book coming out later this month, any idea on a cost???
@ Mr. R: I will deffinantly try that, i did find one tut that taught me some of the interface, i pick up easy just looking for a source of information to learn from.
@ Auria: I thought it was ctrl S for it, thats why i got the save menu, i figured i did not have the object selected right and that ctrl S was the right keystroke but thanks for pointing this out. What do you suggest i try to model first? could you provide me with a tut that could teach me to do something a little beyond basic? (like making multiple boxes and doing something with them, something easy to practice on) in the meantime im also taking your advice on useing google/blackle to find some tuts.\
you won’t be able to find it in a bookstore for quite awhile (probably quite a few months) - currently it is only available from the estore - cost is listed there
I am in the same position as you although I started about a few weeks ago, I’m still new to 3D and blender. What I have found helpful was the Blender Summer of Documentation, which has many helpful tutorials from modeling to lighting and animating (animation one is really, really good I think).
Also I like video tutorials, they’re easier to understand since you see what’s going on. For video tutorials, youtube has many good tutorials and also downloaded some from here:
Hope that helped
I will try it logo, ty.
Mr R. im very impressed so far with your huge range of tutorials. i am right now doing the table. Their is one question, i see in the tutorial that your table has like a skin over it. it looks normal. Mine looks like a wire frame of it, like it is missing it’s skin. i probally did something wrong just not sure what. Your tutorial by far has been the best.
Tera, i was looking for that manual and gave up trying to find it. Will make sure to take a look at it for additional info thanks.
Logo, i love video tut’s so i will make sure to cheack it out.
Thanks for that rip, much appreciated. EDIT: the book is <english money sign>29.00 how much is that worth american? and can i buy it from their with american money??
Ishniek: I found the Noob to Pro section under the wiki very handy when I started out (up to a point, then it started getting a bit hairy and I went over to the beginning section of the normal wiki manual), it all seems very confusing and overwhelming in the beginning but I’ve only been doing this for three months and its amazing how comfy I feel with Blender now.
Also the pdf that comes with your Blender download has a well laid out list of shortcuts etc, I printed it out and stuck it on the wall next to my pc.
The (wood)skin you are talking about is called a texture. In the beginning of the tutorial the first picture you see is what the final render will look like. At first the table will look like a wireframe because you have not attached the texture, the drawtype mode is not the same, and it has not been rendered. These things you do not have to worry about yet because it will all be covered in the tutorials. To be able to attach this texture later you will need to download the Table.jpg–located in the same place as the Room.blend online. If you have further questions, feel free to e-mail me. My e-mail is located on main tutorial page at the top. Just replace the AT with an @ symbol.
@ henry: will try that tut out read it a little bit and he in the begginning warns that i need to be able to do a couple things, but provides a tutorial that kind of primes you for it, which is great.
@ Len: I have done this with Mr. R’s tut he had a couple things to print and i have printed them and stuck em near my PC, i will make sure to cheack out the wiki manual and do the same. thanks
@ Mr. R: Thanks for the email address i like to have that it is easier for me to contact people I figured it was a texture that was wrapped onto the model and that i messed up trying to apply it or something(but from what i read all is going well…).Also I went to download Table.jpg and it brought me here… http://www.pagodaproductions.com/tiki/files/Table.jpg
All i did is click on room.blender and it brought up a download. when i click on table.jpg i get that site and no download box…
Join me on blendimation. We will take it easy for you. I have two tutorials in the forum that might Help you… (you don’t need to join to see them!)
(it’s the first link in my signature)
Oh and welcome to BA!
Will do rolandixor thanks for the welcome.
I found a tut on blender site that helps you ALOT. no previous experience needed at all. he teachs you all the keystrokes and explains most everything. anyone who is in the same boat as me and just beggining blender, i suggest trying it.
great tut. When im done with this project, i will cheack your stuff out roland, and i will make sure to follow threw with your table tutorial Mr. R thanks alot guys this is turning out the be a great start.
EDIT: i have completed that tut for the most part. How do i post a screenie of it?
yeah… i am new to blender, a good tutorials is at blender nation (unknown address) just google it. but… i need help with v:2.44, when i hit KEY SPACEBAR and i add something for instance i do spacebar>add>surface>NURBS sphere or anyother combo and i click then like with the nurbs sphere when i hit space and go to add i don’t have anything but nurbs sphire. and please tell me how to post screenies so i can show you what i mean. very sorry for bad spelling… i suck at spelling.lol:evilgrin::evilgrin:
The dump screen and dump sub screen functions in the menu are for that purpose…:spin:
Do you mean how do you render? press F12.
There is also a render button in the render panel.
I believe these are in my planet tutorial…
where are they?
Okay a little later, I'll post a screen shot...
Use the planet tutorial. It’s got all you need, and I’m in a lazy mood right now. I might still post screen shots, but the tutorial has all you need…:spin: