Beginner Needs Some Direction

Hi, this is my first post. I am trying to teach myself Blender through Youtube, but I feel I need a little more direction. I find that the good videos are either the sam thing over and over again, or are to quick and advanced to help me. I made this sailboat model today, so it should give you an idea of where I am up to but wanted to model the tiller and rigging as curves, add textures, add physics for the sails, etc., etc., but I am having a hard time figuring out how. I am wondering if someone can point to where I could find some advanced beginner tutorials or manual. Thank you.


my suggestion is just to be more specific in your search about what you want to learn in blender e.g you have the model and you want to add textures then search for texturing in blender 2.8 even if they are beginner they are a bit more advanced than a learn blender for beginnners tutorial serie, since they usually are more in depth about just that topic… If you know nothing about texturing except you get a texture applied to your model then this one could be useful as it explain what is before going into how to do it

think about what you end gol with your model is. If it is just to do an image maybe at this stage in your learning to not to complicate things using physics for the sail but instead model the wind in the sail.

anyway in summary be specific in your search and what you want to learn at a given time even if it’s hard since there is so much in Blender and all of it is so much fun :slight_smile:

Thanks. I have been dealing with other things, but I have found where to move forward as well.

"Padewan … do not try to run, too soon." You have the beginnings of a very good sailboat model here, but now you’re beginning to encounter the phenomenon which an industry columnist from yesteryear referred to as: "take a sip from the fire-hose." :slight_smile:

Having encountered this selfsame thing throughout my (koff, koff …) long career, let me now suggest what has worked for me very well: “a loose-leaf notebook and a stack of number-two pencils.” That is to say, a diary. What nautical captains of yesteryear referred to as a running log.

STAR TREK episodes always began with: "Captain’s Log, Stardate …" The ship’s captain kept a journal, every single star-day. Do the same. Write down, in your own words, what you did today. And… whatever you just encountered that you don’t [yet …] understand. (No, you don’t know the answer yet. * Write it down.)

“Once you have ‘written it down,’ you can now 'let it go, as-yet unanswered.’” You’ve captured it now. You’ve stuck the unidentified insect with a push-pin and fixed it on the board. Now you can go back to it at any time … but the most-important thing is that, right now, you can move on to the next “sip from the firehose!”

Yeah, it’s kinda disconcerting (at first), educating yourself in this way, but it actually works. And I daresay that it’s how most of us have done it – no matter what our trade.

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My advice is do not try to get finished project at first , but try to do as many as you can .
Do some specialized exercices (model, texture, physics) and at some point try to combine everything in a more advanced project.
It’s better to learn by making 20 crappy exercices than doing one big project. Unless you come to 3D to do a very specific project.
Anyway it’s a long road to take but it will be very rewarding in the end !

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