Beginner wondering if it's possible to remove a watermark from free template.

Hey everyone. I have only used blender for about an hour the last few days. I downloaded a free template from the internet to make a video intro. According to the download instructions, I am free to use the template however I chose.

After changing the file to how I wanted it I did a test render of one frame and there is a graphic/watermark at the bottom right. I tried it at a few other places in the video and it is still there.

Is there any way to remove this image from my video when it renders?? I can’t see it anywhere when I’m scrolling around in the 3d view. Or see anything that I think it would be in the outliner.

see the pic below. It is the image that says SEAT at the bottom right that i would like to remove.


I downloaded a free template from the internet to make a video intro
Are you not going to tell us from where ?

Is there any way to remove this image from my video when it renders?
Are you not going to give a link to your file so we can see for ourselves ?
Check the compositor and sequencer for any textures or other render layers
In the compositor you could mask it out

Sure this is where I got it from.

And here is a link to the actual blender file;

It took me a while to figure out how to change the fonts and the text, and now the little image is giving me problems. Thanks for any help!!

Turn off the Whitebars render layer or delete these nodes in the compositor



It looks like you have 2 pictures, but for some reason i can’t see them. I am on my phone at the moment though.

Thanks for the tips, I’ll try and look for that stuff when i get back to my computer. And hopefully the pictures will show up there too.

BTW, do you have to get to a certain post amount before your post don’t have to be approved by a moderator? Just curious.

Thanks Richard.

BTW, do you have to get to a certain post amount before your post don’t have to be approved by a moderator? Just curious.
Read the forum FAQs linked at the top of the forum

I confirm that your attached images at #4 are not displayed.


The “issue” should be simple enough …

(1) The owner of the image that you used has chosen to put a watermark on it. Therefore, “no, you don’t have the right to remove it.”

(2) Nevertheless, for almost the entire time that you are using this image to put-together “your show,” you don’t particularly care … “yet!”

(3) If you intend to make commercial use of “your show,” then you’ll have to negotiate with the owner of the image to purchase a version of the image which is “cleared” (by the copyright owner …) for your intended use.

(4) You’ll need to “leave a clear and conspicuous paper trail,” sufficient to “keep all the Lawyers happy.” :ba: