Beginner's Open Game#4: Fangs of the Abyss (former Noobzila)

While we work out on the city base, I took the liberty to create a Title scene!
Tell me what ya think!


Nice, I like the color choices :slight_smile:

personally I’d like a midnight blue to royal purple colour for the skyline. I find the brown a bit off putting. Each to their own though

Actually it was supposed to be sunset orange, and the black areas represent buildings! Maybe I should use a deep blue scheme to represent the monster’s origins, and some water background, Aggressive Finding Nemo style!

I would like to join as a programmer/logic brick I already know all the basics of python, classes, functions, loops, modules, writing, reading files, but do not know much about blender modules can do pretty much anything with logic bricks and i can help with some texturing, uv kind of stuff.

good start …really hope it wont stop .

Cairn1, if you want to join, you are welcome! We could use any hands!
I intend to keep this project up and running! Progress at the beginning can be slow, but then again, this is a learnning project, so anything can happen to it…

Hey, I might be interested in helping out. I can do python programming, modeling, texturing, and just a wide variety of things. This may help expand upon what I don’t know yet, which can be from very few things to a lot of things depending on the task hah.

im sure you all have heard of this but a great place to get textures is cg textures and right now is there anything I should get started on

This looks cool, to help all the newbs do something bigger…good luck!

I like your planning diagram.I suggest you to make some test with loading and sounds before starting to make’em, there are some technical issues with them in blender.
Loading big scenes like 50-100k polys, many times(lets say your a fighting a boss creature and it kills you many times) take up memory and blender manage it wrong sometimes and it freezes…just try to load one big scene like 6-7 times one after other and see what happens.
I was forced to use third party software to manage the usage of ram while loading.
Sound is another issue.Blender sound module is a mess. Chanels are not playing right, do not overlaps each other and stop playing in the middle of the sound.(when you use multiple sounds at once…like music,steps,environment and creature sounds at once).

Sir Chaos_Theory You are very welcome you seem very skilled, so I’ll give you the responsibility of Art director you will manage and evaluate modeling and texture quality! In absence of modelers, you and me will be doing them!

Mr Cairn1, yes I know of it, but since this is a learning experiment, so we should learn how to make them! Assembling various artists can give us the advantage of sharing various methods to make the ssame basic things!

Thanks a lot Hostage 777!

Wow, master haidme has placed a comment on this project! I feel very honored! For the loading, well here’s what I came up with!
Test 1 >Loading animated medium poly highly animated dinosaur on a big scene!
Test results:
Maximum stable number of instances : 30 blender 2.48 @ 30fps 8600GT 512 2 GB DDR2 Ram 1400C2D

Solution: Eliminate armature, use no collision mesh based on a dynamic empty. Animation is made with separated libs+IPO
Results: Number of meshes : So far 300, 60 fps

Test3:> Sound tests: Just as you mentioned, very shady!

Test 3> Big scene: depending on the number and complexity of a scene I can have 30fps in a 7mb bare landscape.
Solution: Split the meshes, separate collision from rendering.
An fps landscape with 2000X2000 size, divided into 16 patches. I attached a near sensor to an add object empty that spawns the terrain every 100 tics, the terrain lasts for 85 tics, so flickering is not noticeable, but collision is very bad. So I use a non textured low poly version of the terrain to do the collisions! surprisingly I got better results, of course more tests are required.
I normally use one big scene and one big platform, and add different elements for every area of the map, so tht it feels seamless!
I don’t really load scenes but elements from different scenes into one (linking).
But yes you are right, we’ll have to run many tests and try different approaches and decide on the better!

Thank you for your advice! I’ll study it closely and see if I understand it properly!

And BTW, today I became a father, and might be a bit absent minded and slow the project down for a while, I apologize in advance (* Bows respectfully *)

On other hand, I already had modeled a sea monster a while ago! Since I’m not using it, in an other project, I might use it for this project instead!
Tell me what you think! If it’s cool, I’ll just optimize it, and upload it!


here is how I picture the city being


you should join this team

Ok cairn1, I thank you for your sketch, it’s very inspiring! However, I’d like you to think more on terms of well distributed weight, the city should be floating on the sea, the arms are intended to be the monster’s main access point. And maybe if we move to phase 2… Before that, I think I haven’t stated phases yet!

  1. Phase one: Make a working game: Point system, mission status and game setup(start,restart, game over).
  2. Phase two: Add different types of missions, improve on graphics, add more monsters and cut scenes.

… so if we move to phase2, those arms will be places to defend!
In any case, I like your participation! Keep it coming!

you should join this team


Here’s the first time line:

10 January: Start building game elements: Buildings, characters, monsters.

Before that, most of the game planing must be complete. I’ll write the full story for phase1, pre-sketch the characters and citizens, all artists are welcome to post their art/vision (be sure to have something unique about your art),I’ll include a bit of all!
From next week, I’ll post some basic art, modeling and texturing tutorials/documentation, to get new joining members improve their skill (this is the main goal of this project).
Stay tuned!

Well, I just wrote a first attempt to a story, tell me what you think…
If only I could upload text files…:o


noob story.blend (140 KB)

if you were wondering why i said you should join this team was because my friend was looking at this and wanted to join and i just put that there but it looks like he did not leave a reply and I know you say the weight should be evenly distributed for balance and things like that but the fact that it is a floating city under water in a video game is already not the most realistic so I think we should ease up on the symmetry cause that will make it just a tad dull.

…things like that but the fact that it is a floating city under water in a video game is already not the most realistic…

Not realistic? First the city is floating on the water, on to of it, like a boat. There are floating platforms today, many engineers and architects dream of floating cities, the idea is plausible and based on facts and recent research. The arms are necessary because I don’t want the monster to immediately reach the core of the city, where the people will take refuge! I also wanted it to look a bit like Atlantis from Stargate Atlantis, which doesn’t look dull…