why do you suggest to work in 2.49, i think it would be better to work in 2.5 as it is a learning project so you also must learn to work in 2.5 XD
flowepowe: Blender 2.5 isn’t stable. It is filled with bugs(Unless I missed news on BlenderNation??)
I concur with blender 2.49, has it is the latest stable release out. The other one has a lot of work left to do on it, especially in the modeling area I believe.
I have no suggestions for the name of the city or game.
Go with 2.49, its the newest, most options, more people have it.
Blender 2.5 isn’t stable. It is filled with bugs
So is Empathy, yet they made it the default IM client for Ubuntu. There’s actually a point to using the bleeding edge at the beginning of every project: when you finish, it won’t be so bleeding edge anymore.
Think about it: When you complete this project (let’s suppose you’re really fast and do it by the end of 2010) Blender 2.5 won’t be beta or alpha anymore: in fact, it will be called 2.6 stable. (source)
So who’s gonna play your game that’s two versions old and probably won’t run on anything newer? What will you do with the skills learned?
You can take the easier way of 2.49 and end up with nothing useful done, or you can take the risk of buggy 2.5 and watch it pay off when/if you finish the game.
I see your point. However, the skills acquired here could have been acquired on any other package (3DSMasx, Maya, Panda3D,…etc) but will always be useful. As for 2.5, that will be a personal experience for those who learn.
By the time 2.6 is out, I intend to start Beginner’s open game #5.
So who’s gonna play your game that’s two versions old and probably won’t run on anything newer?
Don’t worry about that, take Krum for example. Besides, this game is intended to be an internal game (for BA), and most people keep a copy of an old version, just in case…
From next week (starting on 10) we shall start getting busy with the game, but before that, we’ll do a warm up for 10 days divided in 2 practice sessions.
The aim of these sessions is to collect efficiency and accomplishment data from the team.
Practice session # 1 :ends 15th January
*Artists: Design one of the following: futuristic hovercraft, futuristic electric car, futuristic bike, futuristic boat.
Your models need to be of quality, so go and do some research before you start designing it.
Models size: >2k polygons
Images : 3 = sketch, screenshot and model’s texture
Texture : 512X512 RGBA, PNG
Attachments: Text giving the artist’s name, model’s name and describing how the vehicle operates.
Model’s info: your futuristic vehicle has to be stylish, your color scheme well selected (search the net for examples) but you need to sketch it or copy it(if you can’t draw). It has to be user friendly and must have a brand written below. If you can add an interior it will be a +, but it’s not really necessary.
Hints: Start working now, do research for 2 days, carefully plan and draw your model. From the 10th, spend 1 day modeling( you only need 4 hrs actually), spend another polishing and UV unwrapping, and the last day you need to finish your texture. Before submitting day you need to analyze your model, search for flipped normals, bad UV mapping, etc. On submission date, please do submit your project before 1AM Alaska’s time that’s about GMT +12.
Good luck!
*Programmers: Design one of the following: escaping crowd AI, chasing horde AI, Big monster AI
Description: your design needs to be simple and smart, use logic bricks (python if you have no choice). The elements must avoid obstacles, roam freely and attack. The big monster must have 8 independent limbs.They will act if they see the enemy (escape or chase). If you use python, please carefully document your script.
Size: 10 cubes are to describe one or the other, the big monster will be made of cubes as well.
Environment: Use a city layout as an environment (cubes for buildings). Add other(s) cube(s) as enemy as the target to or from the actors.
Please do not borrow any work, it must be completely original!
Note: All the works from the practices are owned by their creators and not intended to be used in the game (you may however include it if the Art Director allows it), but are for their own portfolio!
You may present your progress here and ask for advices and help, don’t attach any blend till submission date. Submission date : 15th January
If you want to join and participate in this session, you still have till the 10th. Check the list to see if your name is there!
I’ll be planning where things fit in the city and what paths are to be taken during the game!
Tomorrow I’ll give detail of session 2…
Good luck for all!
I’m not a great artist I kind of signed up more to be a logic brick programmer.
If you dont mind could I rather be signed up as that.:rolleyes:
If you dont mind could I rather be signed up as that.:rolleyes:
Sorry about that, as you were showing some art, I lost sight of the programming part, I was also expecting you were willing to learn modeling too!
Yes I would but my modeling isn’t really that great:o
Btw, I love the new name.
Yes I would but my modeling isn’t really that great:o
Hello!? This is a learning project! The practices are for those who want to learn to do it. Before the 10 I’ll provide working material, for the artists. I’ll make a model myself in a form of a tutorial. So your skills don’t matter, to make the models… anyways… do what you want, you can even do both…
And talking about material, here’s the first tip for the artists!
When planing your model, don’t be afraid to be bold, and go for a semi-complex design. You will need 3 views for your sketch, for this you may use the diagram below for reference.
Start with the side view, then with a ruler, project the main points of the model to the front view, then make a double projection using side and front to get the top view. The side view must look to the left, the top view must face down. The quality of your drawing will determine the model’s quality. Be patient and use a lot of rubber to get it right. Try using a soft pencil and draw it from outside in (get the general shape first and then add detail). Think of functionality, weight, speed, so be careful with the placement of components. Yum may use more than 1 mesh, but only 1 texture.
If you setup a Skype account, we can chat more directly, my username is the same and I’m available from 8 AM to 5 PM GMT.
Stay tuned, and ask questions if necessary.
Tutorial #1: Modeling a simple futuristic vehicle.
Level: Beginner
Duration: -10min
step1 :Setting up the scene. The file is on 7z format, so unzip it and open the page inside.
This is my first tutorial though, I’ll try to make them more relevant as I do more (practice makes it perfect)! Tell me if you find any problems. Or you may give suggestions/recommendations/criticism/feedback about the methods used.
Later on, I’ll continue to step 2.
Hope you are preparing you assignment, I didn’t get much response from the team!
you wrote my name wrong it is not flowerpowe but flowepowe
My deepest apologies, I corrected my error, hope you aren’t offended… .
Also try to copy and paste your quotation to the relevant part, so I know what are you commenting on. Use th quick reply option!
haha i’m not offended and thanks for correcting
Since everyone got started on correcting and all…
That is really, REALLY fast.
Well… I normally take less than 3 min to setup a scene, so I estimated 10 mins max for a beginner…
I was referring to the minus sign in front of the “10”.
My objective (post count +2) is complete anyway. Ignore me.
Hello, I am not noobish (not the greatest though) but I am pretty good at modelling and I could help people that need it. I am not very good at character modeling but I could try, since this is for practice. Oh, should I do this in 2.5 or 2.49?
Are you by any chance joining? If so, then, Welcome Avenger96! I put you under the artists list! We are using 2.49. I endeavoured myself into providing tutorials, so I’ll post character modelling as well!
Tutorial #1 Modelling a futuristic vehicle
Step 02 : “Getting things in shape”
Level: Beginner
Duration: ±60 min
I was delayed by too many circumstances to mention here, so, yeah there you have it.
Your comments are very much appreciated!
Edit: About the practice session, I’d really like to know who’s actually willing to participate and what are they doing. I’m expecting all artists or even volunteers to participate! There are 2 days left before the session begins, at that time, artists need to have their sketches ready. If possible, post them here, for feedback! I’m counting on you!