Bend and detail in cylinder

Here i did a simple detail in a plane, and tried to make it a cylinder with array and bend, before i apply the modifiers the mesh looks normal, but after some distortion happens on the edges os those details.

I want to know how fix it, and any other tips on how to make details and cylind ers is welcome.

Post the wire frame or blend file.

When working with curved objects, you generally want your mesh flow to flow with the curve while keeping topology in grid format.

Example:The one one the right should be used on curved surfaces while the one of the left is enough for flat or only slightly curved surfaces.

Here i did 2 now, one with bend and arrey, and one with mirror only, but the results are kinda the same.


Simply insetting a quad is only used to make small holes where the deformities won’t stand out.

See here for an example of a roundish hole and a square hole on a curved object with subdivision surface turned on.


Topo.blend (552 KB)

maybe this video can help:

Thanks!, will try the tutorial and see the file!