bend tool

Hey all,
I am really in need off some help. I cant find a tutorial on how too bend a tube ore cylinder.
Isn´t there some kind off bend tool ore something?
Hope someone can help!

Haha, it’s time for my beloved Curve Deform modifier, once again…

I personally think it is the best way to do this, even if it may take a while to get used to it. Here you’ll find more information. Be warned though, you must follow the tutorial exactly or things will get funny.
Things to watch out for: the object to bend and the curve must have the same center. Well, actually they don’t have to, but as you can see in the last picture, the results are maybe not what you want. Also make sure that your object has enough vertices.
In your case, a cylinder, a few loopcuts need to be added to get a smooth bend.

for just a simple proportional bend, beauty short subdivide your tube a few times, select the top verticies, turn on proportional edit, grab and away you go. see the wiki on proportional edit mode for more info.

Curve Deform Modifier is sweeter.
It allows you to change the deformation on a later point when you have the feeling you blew it.
Deserves more attention really…

Hey you all,
Thanks for the good replyes… I think i will go for the curve defomation…
But thanks again