Bernardo Bellotto inspired scene

A piece inspired by the artist Bernardo Bellotto…

My version

His original


Really nice looking and soothing to look at.
Nice tones

Really Nice…I do think that it would be even better if you were to match the lighting a bit closer to the original…as that is a key feature and makes the original set the mood and tone of the overall impact and adding depth to the scene.

Yah, this render need more “fancy light” :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the suggestions.

I’ve added a spot light and gobo for shadows. Better?


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

Thank you!

Better, but still not dramatic enough.

Throw in another sun lamp, and don’t be afraid to crank it up. A little extra contrast could make your good render into a great one.

Very nice!!!