Best topology for rigging a full body character ?

Hi guys I have been trying to learn to rig recently and have found the results I am getting have been horrendous. Is it possible anyone can show me or point me in the right direction to ensure my base mesh is rig worthy ?

Post your .blend here?

I am so ashamed ! Lol ! Here you go :

Anyone have any suggestions ?

you have more faces than you need. you could simplify it significantly, by collapsing some edge loops, without losing detail. it will animate more smoothly and be more manageable. also, you actually need to add a couple edge loops around the knees to get a good deformation. if you have trouble with deformation around the shoulders and butt, which always happens, you can add bones to the troubled areas, or correct the deformations using the corrective shape keys add-on.

Your model looks like a balloon, without much structure, all roundness. I think it is a good opportunity to learn why you need a good topology, so I suggest you add an armature and weight paint it, to discover why this doesn’t deform well. Also, I suggest you try to add some more details, like a visible rib cage and belly, to discover your model is hard to refine.