Beta Quad - retopology tool for selected faces

Today test :smile:



Due to name collision to other entity on the web
(I didn’t check the name “alpha quad” before using it, it is my fault… :frowning: )

Therefore, this addon is renamed to Beta Quad :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :innocent:
Please download it again and install it. All menu are renamed too!


Beta Quad version 2.0.0 :slightly_smiling_face:

  • Improved both performance and topology quality.

Now it has better regulated quads, fewer unexpected strange results.

  • Speed improved for many cases.

Congrats on the new update.

Personally i think complete automation is never going to truly be efficient, the best thing if possible would be to figure out how to manually tell the algorithm how the flow of quads need to be.

that could be using the knife tool and then marking those as sharp or using the pencil tool to draw or what ever system is good.


Yes, algorithm is hard to create perfect quad topo for all cases :smile:
Some of my code works for some meshes, but not good for other meshes.
I need to take the balance between them. :slightly_smiling_face:

Manual guide line is a solution (same as other tools on the market), but I want to make it as auto as it can be.

Ring created by GM and Beta Quad :slightly_smiling_face:


Beta Quad Version 2.1.0 :slightly_smiling_face:

  • Now you can use “Inset boundary” option !

This option add a very thin supporting edges for boundary. It will keep the border sharp without using mean-crease in sub-division.

  • It can be used with “Keep sharp” to create good bevel-looking solid mesh.


Unstoppable! xD

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sorry i couldn’t avoid to make a joke :joy::joy::joy::joy:

hmmm it think is better in than case obviously use bevel duh…


Kushiro can we have such a thing as the one illustrated in the images below? An inset-outset command for insetting or outsetting any loop on a mesh? In fact producing a new loop (on any side of the selected loop) that is a shrinked or enlarged copy of the selected one.

Such a thing would be very useful for producing panels which would have small distances between them from any projected shape on a mesh.

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No, I just used blender’s inset API :slightly_smiling_face:

btw : I am trying to add a new corner’s connection type to the tool, so user can switch the type of corners. But it is not ready yet.


Yes it can be done :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: but it is not related to quad topology tool.
Is it just a resize + ray casting / resize + shrink wrap ?
It is possible that it can be done in geometry nodes :slightly_smiling_face:


I compared the results of Zbrush’s ZRemesher and Beta Quad.
From left, the original mesh, ZRemesher, and Beata Quad results.
Z Remesher shows the cleanest polygon lines, but it was necessary to re-create all polygons of the mesh, whereas Beta Quad allowed users to select and remesh only the desired area. Beta Quad showed good results on hard surface models, but relatively poor results on curved surfaces. In comparison, ZRemesher performed better on curved surfaces than on hard surfaces. In summary, the polygon flow of Beta quad is not as good as that of ZRemesher, but it is possible to convert only the desired area into a quad mesh. That is, unlike remesh tools such as ZRemesher and Quad flow that modify the entire mesh, it is possible to maintain the existing polygons. Therefore, the process of removing the edge added to the unnecessary part can be omitted. As shown in the last photo, if you want to modify only the n-gon at the top, Zremeher needs to remesh the whole mesh and delete unnecessary edges again, but in Beta Quad, you just need to select the polygons you want to make into a Quad. However, it is impossible to remesh while maintaining the number of vertices of the edge in contact with the selected area. If possible, I think it would be nice to be able to remsh only the inside while keeping the edges around the selected area as it is.


Thank you for research and sharing!


I think that it would be great to have such a tool. Even as a seperate add-on. As a seperate utility tool.

Btw, lets say that the best would be to have a means to bevel any loop line (be it a corner or not) in any condition, by not being obstracted from the topology of the mesh. This is the essential need. Having such a command would solve all problems having to do with bevelling, smoothing, rounding and panelling in any kind of hard surface modelling task. But as far as I see this remains still a wish not only for Blender but for any 3D modelling app around.

Of course, we do have tools as is Modo’s Mesh Fusion and Blender’s Bevel after Boolean add-on but the need is for something more straightforward.

So… Kushiro keep it in mind. Maybe you can find a solution. I do believe that it is a very appealing challenge to your programming talent and skills. :smiley:


i can see this tool current weakness is also the circular or curved surfaces/boundaries and obviously z-remesher performs that better…

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Thanks !
I have Zbrush (I purchased full version) and I did some tests too!

But of course, I know beta quad doesn’t produce topology as good as Zbrush.

I just hope to provide an alternative (cheaper price, only $10 for now) remesh solution to users, and works on Windows, Linux and Mac too.


Yes. Zremesher is better in many cases.


I will take some rest in Christmas holiday.
And continue development later on :slightly_smiling_face: