This quad retopology is using a originally designed algorithm. I want to make a quad tool that is “respecting the border direction” of an ngon. It is able to create quads that are smoothly following the shape of the original face.
This tool is created without using other commercial or open-source retopology libraries. It is 100% original. I spent few months to design and test the algorithm. If you want to support me, please consider purchasing it, thank you
Kushiro, any chance you can post a shot of one of those complex meshes (like the spaceship) with the hard edges option turned on? I’m just curious how it handles them. Thanks!
I could be wrong but from what I’m understanding this is a face retopology tool, not a remesher. It works on the already created faces and puts quads inside them accordingly, that’s why it works perfectly with n-gon and sloppy booleans. So if you run it with those meshes you are just going to increment the polygon count 3x since every face is a triangle.
and also btw… Hard Ops Thread - #3699 by zaha
i think some solution for the support loops, would be a perfect offset loop/inset at the same time after is calculated the retopo of the face, and to avoid any bad pole surround that edge loop (boundary edge/sharp edge for the bevel)…
and same could be optimized if possible how the edges meet each other, to avoid unnecessary poles like in this surface:
which this is the perfect topology it should have…
to have perfect topology, you must have always even loops, which means pair vertices count, for example above there is 44 vertices in that boundary, if there where 43 or 45 then one loop will fail in the process thus creating a triangle and a pole…
is always best to avoid 6/7 poles, but not so necessarily if is a completely flatten face/surface or an unseen or hidden part of the model, like here but a more complex example: Bosch Drill WIP
Hi @Kushiro - I just purchased “Alpha Quad”. For me, it looked perfect to solve a few particular use cases. However, I’m encountering one major issue with Alpha Quad: while it creates Quad faces from a selected NGon… in the process, it turns existing quads along the border into NGons! So, it’s just swapping one set of problem-geometry (NGons) for another. That kind of defeats the purpose for me. I realise this is the first release, and I’ve enjoyed the many updates to your other add-ons I’ve purchased. Is there any chance you could develop an option for Alpha Quad that restricts your algorithm in such a way that it does not turn neighbouring quads into NGons? Thanks.
I bought it really good job I would like to have a remesh similar to marvelous remesher but with clean border doesn’t matter if it generate triangles I’ will post some example and way is a good solution…!
Yes, your red line is a good topology (made by human)
My goal is also creating topology near to human level , but for now it is not possible yet.
The current algorithm priorities handling “any shape of ngons” , instead of “even beautiful grids”.
I did made the tool to generate your “red line” result,
However, it work very very poorly for strange shape, non-rectangle shape, concave ngons, and many extreme case.
Therefore, in the first stage of development, I try to make the engine handle “most cases” first,
the quad result may be ugly, but at least it is working.
I updated the product page , and added a tool limitations description.
Although I am trying my best t improve the algorithm, but I want to state the current limitation for users.
So user understand what it does and not, before buying it
This tool has some known limitations :
The tool keep the original face’s edges. It only “quadify” an face, but it does not “replace” a face. Therefore, it is not good for remesh an whole mesh full of sharp n-gons and bad topology.
The tool does not work for faces smaller than its quad size. If it is smaller than the size, it will just skip it. Therefore a very high-density of quads is needed. It is not practical for most case.
Due to the above reason, it does not work for sculpted mesh, or high polygons triangles mesh.
The result is not regulated, it does not look like grids yet.
The tool is still under heavy development, so the above limitations may be eliminated in future. However, the goal of this tool is focusing on “selected ngon face”.