Better Pie Menus Add-on $

Hey guys,

I made a new addon called Better Pie Menus, it’s a suit of Pie Menus & Smart menus to improve workflow and have everything accessible in the 3DView.

You can check the list of Menus on this page, I’ll make a video too.

Here some pies as example

The addons come with Custom Primitives too and other smart tools.

Edit your Layout on the Fly!

Per Object Type/Mode Smart Menus.

Brushes Pie Menu Context sensitive.

You can also customize some Pies

And More… :wink:



I’m working on the Custom Primitives and other parts to improve the addon.

pies selection

And More…


Hey guys,

I updated the Better Pie Menu page that list all the possibilities of the Add-On.

Like that, you will be able to better understand what the Add-On does and why it’s really powerful :wink:

Hey guys,

I updated Better Pie Menus, fixed some bugs, and added a Modifiers list!


Minor suggestion : slow down your GIFs, so it’s easier to read what’s there and see what is going on.

I’ll make a video, if the gifs take too long, the size will be way too big ^^

You can check this page to see what the addon can do :wink:

Hey Guys, I updated the addon v0.0.8 with a bunch of improvements.

Smart Merge and Connect

Better Modifiers List

Multi-selection for Components

Per Object-type Menus

And more…


The addon has been updated to Version 0.0.9!

Hi Guys,

My Better Pie Menus Add-on has been updated in Version 0.1.0
Made some fixes, and added Material and shading Popups with Custom Presets to work efficiently!



Hey Guys, I updated Better Pie Menus to V0.1.1!

I updated the Modifiers, Materials & Shading Popups, and other fixes.


The Addon has been updated to Blender 4.1 :wink:


Made a new update and made this introduction video :wink:

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Better Pie Menus has been updated in version 0.1.4!

I’ve made changes in response to customer requests.

You can edit the size of the UI buttons & popups in the add-on preferences for example.

Hey guys,

The addon has been updated to version 1.1.8 for blender 4.2.

I made some fixes and added some nice tools!

New update V 0.1.9 with some changes and new tools

And a change on the Material popup to add materials on the fly.

For the next update, I added support from Gpencil for the modifier popup, material popup, and Brush settings.
I’ll make a video about that.

The addon has been updated

What’s new ?

Customisable Workspace Pie menu with support of custom workspaces

Modifier Popup supports Grease Pencil and Curves

Material Popup supports Grease Pencil and Curves

Curves have new smart menus for different modes, same for Grease Pencil and Mesh Objects

Direct Preset Materials

Edit Edge (Crease, Sharps, etc)

Colors for assets and Collections

And More…

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Hey Guys,

I updated my Better Pie Menus Add-on in version 0.2.1 for Blender 4.2.3 with some fixes and changes, as well as a new pie menu to change the views on ALT + MMB.


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Some videos I added to the documentation recently.

Hey guys,

I posted a “Beta” version of Better Pie Menus for Blender 4.3 Beta on the Market and Gumroad.
You can check and give me some Feedback, thank you :wink: