Bevel in the middle of an object

I’d like to put a bevel in the middle of an object (preferably on specific edges). Is there a way to do that?

I can do it creating loop cuts and then dragging nodes around:

But I’ve got a lot to do and it feels like there will be a faster way…

Bevel.blend (935.1 KB)

Thank you,

Hi Allan,
just select the edges you want to bevel and hit Ctrl + B

Your mesh has a few issues so Bevel might not work correctly.

Do you have references of what you’re modeling? Perhaps we can offer some advice on the correct workflow to use.

just select the edges you want to bevel and hit Ctrl + B

That doesn’t let me insert a bevel in the middle of an object. If there is a setting for it in the bevel window, I can’t figure it out.

Your mesh has a few issues so Bevel might not work correctly.

Doh - it’s just a cube that I loop cut. I did merge a few surfaces once I’d put the bevel in manually.

What I’m trying to do is model something like this for a model railway (to then be 3d printed):


I’ve got my frame and arches:

What I was going to do next was bevel the edge of the arch:

Then extrude the face of the inner bevel to get an arch for the dressed stone. Loop cut that and then bevel parts to create the individual dressed stone blocks. That bevel is where I’m stumbling atm.

If you have a better workflow, I’m all ears (still early in my journey of using Blender :slight_smile:).


Use the bevel weight of the bevel modifier.
The video is a little old. (The function is the same)

Thanks - that appears to only work when two faces aren’t directly coplanar. My problem is that I want a bevel in the middle of a cube (or whatever shape). I might well just be missing it, but I couldn’t see a way to do that with the bevel modifier and selected edges.

I do not exactly undertand… if you want ro bevel under a bridge like structure… then:

No - it is the dressed stone around the edge of the arch that I’m having a problem with. I can create the arch and get faces around the edge, but what I want to do is detail them so there is a bevel between the individual stones.

That is two steps…
Bevel, then inset and scale the inset inward.

Applying the boolean that made the tunnels would help. Keep a backup copy of the un-applied boolean - just is case.

I would duplicate the arches (Select then Shift-D) then make nice clean versions. I mean just the inverted U shape. Do you have the Loop Tools addon Active? Use that (the Space Function) to get nicely spaced vertices around the arch. Then reextrude the tunnel / inward face and add a solidify modifier to give the thickness. Apply the solidify modifier in Object Mode.

In Edit mode select all faces and use Alt-Shift-Click to deselect the four long edge loops. Shift click the bottom edges to deselect if you want to. That gives you the edges to Bevel.
Edges to Bevel
Bevel them to 2 segments…
2 segment bevel
Then press Ctrl-Numberpad - just once (that is Ctrl and the minus on the numberpad) or use Select Menu > Select More/Less > Less.
That will change the selection to just the center edge loop.
Alt-S to shrink (rather than s to scale). Or use the Shrink/Fatten tool on the Tool Bar. Holding in Shift to make the scaling slower will help.

Add the obvious edge loops where this will meet the rest of the bridge and delete the rear - outer edge loop. then rejoin / boolean to the rest of the bridge.
Do this to all the arches at once rather than one at a time.


Ahh… now i see… ( and also understand the first image… sillly me :sweat_smile: ).