Bevel Problem in My Model

Hi guys.
I am having this problem for quite some time along using Blender, which I don’t really know what to do.
Basically, I have this stair model shown in the image below that I want to apply the bevel modifier to it:

Upon doing that, only one side of the model has been beveled correctly but for the other side it’s completely messed up as shown below:

Here from the other side:

It’s been a nuisance dealing with this kind of problem in the software especially when I want to make other projects. Does anyone have an idea of what is going on and how to fix it? I’ll leave the blend file to see the problem for yourself. And thanks.
Bevel_problem.blend (965.8 KB)

The issue here is flipped normals on one side.
To see it go to Viewport Overlays > Geometry > Face Orientation. The red faces are flipped.
To fix select the faces, go to Mesh > Normal > Recalculate Outside (or Alt + N)


Looks like inward facing normals on the bad side. Select everything in edit mode and do Mesh → Normals → Recalculate Outside.


Yep, that really solved it. I should keep my eyes on these normals and face orientations.
Thanks a bunch.

Done :+1:. Thanks.

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