Bevel/Taper Curves

This addon adds a bevel and/or taper curve to the currently active curve.


In Object mode, with a curve selected, go to Object->Bevel/Taper->Add curve as Bevel -or- Add curve as Taper



  • Type - Selects from 5 types of bevels
  • scale x - scales the bevel on the x axis
  • scale y - scales the bevel on the y axis
  • link xy - scales on the x and y simultaneously(use scale x)


  • End Width Left - adjusts left end taper width
  • End Width Right - adjusts right end taper width
  • Center Width - adjusts center taper width
  • link ends - adjust left and right end taper width simultaneously
  • link ends/center - adjusts center and end taper widths simultaneously(based on Difference)
  • Difference - difference between center and end taper widths when linked

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looks awesome!

Very interesting cmomoney!, thanks!

now, this is an addon i was just this morning hoping might exist! wow :smiley:

very useful script,thanks.

Thank you very much (once again (i’ve also installed your curly curves addon))!

nice script, this’ll come in handy. on them wrought iron fences and lamp posts and, well you get the idea thank another useful tool. thanks

Thank you for your encouraging comments. :slight_smile:
I’ve updated to make the names of the created curves better reflect the curve to which they are assigned. This should make them easier to keep up with.

This would so great to have again in 2.82. I tried the addon called “Add Curve: Extra Objects” but nothing appears in any menu that offers the options described in this thread. Doesn’t appear in 2.79 either. Maybe that function is not possible any longer?

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This function in Blender 2.80+ has been moved to the context menu.

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Or you can try this addon

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Thanks Benny!

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