Bézier Mesh Shaper v0.9.0

YES!!! Thank you thank you thank you!! Hey, I’ll take what I can get! And this looks incredible! Maybe there would never be any need (for me at least) to have more than two points going at a time anyhow… Thanks again bro! You rock!

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Bought the addon last night and have been playing with it. Is it possible to animate the deformations? Using Blender 2.8 final release candidate.

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Hi @semiller, thank you for your purchase!
At the moment it doesn’t record animation. You could try storing different states of your mesh by using Blender’s shape key system: duplicating a backup copy of your mesh then deforming it on each shape key and then animating between them in absolute mode.

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Thanks for the quick reply!

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So reading through the thread and looking at the documentation, I could not find if you could modify the bezier after you “accepted” the transformation. Am I missing something somewhere or is this not possible?
Shape key thing works brilliantly by the way, thank you :slight_smile:

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After you hit Enter to apply the curve is removed from the scene.
The original vertex selection that you had before calling the tool will still be there, so calling the tool again should recreate a very similar (if not the same) curve.

@RNavega Here is a video showing you screen capture of the problems I’m having

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You need some vertices between the points you are selecting before firing up BMS. If there are none, or too few, subdivide or do some splits etc.

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@norka I put a loop in the middle of the planar example I showed and made myself and it did the same thing, the handles were there, but it didn’t deform until I hit enter.

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I tried the same in here and confirmed, that’s a bug. Thanks for reporting.
Inside the script I set a value so the tool can’t be run more than once at the same time, that’s what’s causing this.

This happens when you open a different blend file while the tool is still on. It’s like the operator is never finished.
If you either confirm or cancel it (Enter or Esc, respectively) before opening the other file, then this won’t happen.

I’ll be sending an update that fixes this, thanks again.

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@RNavega but what about seeing the transformations after moving a bezier handle and then clicking? Why does it work on the basic cube and not the geometry that I set up?

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I could not confirm the second problem:

There must be some state in that scene file that’s causing this.

What options are you using (falloff mode, falloff strength, add-on preferences etc.)?
You can also send me that scene file in a private message so I can debug it.

(I’ll reply in 24 hours as it’s my timezone night right now.)


I PMed you the file. Thank you!

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You know what, it’s when the shape keys are applied is when the real time deformation doesn’t happen.

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You’re right, the value of that shape key in your mesh is set to zero so it’ll always look the same (a similar thing happens in Edit mode if you try to drag a vertex).

I don’t think the tool should change the shape key values in these situations (overstepping its responsibilities), so I will add a warning message in the likes of “Editing a shape key with zero strength, no changes will be seen”.


keep up the fire! :fire::fire::fire_engine:


Makes perfect sense @RNavega. Thanks for the support!

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@masterxeon1001 will do!

@semiller no problem, if you need more help you can also reach me by email (it’s on the Gumroad page).
By the way, since that problem is solved, would it be possible to delete that Youtube video? If someone searches for BMS they’d end up finding it lol

@RNavega Thanks and I will take the video down!

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Sorry. I tried to read the subject very carefully. But somthing
Why i`m can’t see the change of mesh geometry on the fly?
I mean, on gif i can see - that the geometry change continues throughout the entire drag operation. However, my mesh geometry changes only after I press confirm…
No vertex groups, no weights, no shape keys…

Both version - 2.79 and 2.8. Version addon -0.9.2

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