Hello dear Blenderists,
with a very small team, we’re developing a few utils to fill the gap between the BGE and the Oculus rift, namely:
- a .pyd (yes, windows only at the moment) that connects with the Oculus SDK
- a python script that reads the rotation of the head and reproduces it on the scene camera (no positioning at the moment)
- a glsl shader that takes care of the typical distortion of the Oculus rendering
Once the system is ready, I would like to release it as Open Source, but…
- Oculus SDK is not Open Source, i think this is a problem, and the reason why Oculus is not very loved by Blenderists
- What is the best copyleft licence to release this piece of software under?
I’m quite ignorant concerning legal issues, i’m looking for advices from somebody who knows about these problems.
Thanks in advance