At first my idea was to have my game take place on mars, with aliens and humans competing, but instead ive changed it to ancient greece, where you play as artemis, a marksman archer, proving her worth in the olympic games.
Day 1 - Planning and Asset Creation
I spent the majority of the first day planning and coming up with an original idea for my theme, obviously the theme restricts me quite a bit, but not enough that I cant put my own flare on things. I had a couple of hours free time after work and school, so I allocated it to creating the environment and some extra things.
Day 2 - Asset Creation, and Preliminary Testing
I spent today testing out some camera set ups and hud test, then test out some physics for the arrows. I also created some more assets.
Day 3 - Wasted Time
I had a late work shift today so I wasnt able to work on the project too much, hopefully tomorrow.
Day 4 - Re-Design, Graphical Re-Amp
Today I redid the graphics, and basically the entire scene of the game, rather than being on mars, its now in ancient Greece and you play as my rendition of the god Artemis. Personally I think its better because I can have more fun with the graphics.
Day 5 - Physics Stuff, Environment Detail
I spent my time today adding more detail to the environment, and finishing up the physics for the arrows, not much left to do now but the score counter and the sounds. Should be ready for the deadline but we will see