I haven’t quite finished it yet, but I intend to get it ready in time for the deadline.
Since this will be my first thread here on blender artists (I look forward to meeting you all :)), I’m posting early in case this needs to go through a review before showing up.
Awesome Game! Great mechanic, and nice atmosphere and sounds! Please continue this project, that game is amazing, make more levels.
Reminds me of “Super Hot” with a side scroller touch
You cant export a exe for linux so this is the best way for all to see the game,
Side note* this is a example of what is needed to break the bge out of stagnation,
Any features added by the user should be accessable to the community.
(engine side modifications)
I wish I had the time and patience to learn C++.
edit: he could build his own stand alone BlenderPlayer? ***
Ah, thanks for the code review
I must say I was secretly hoping no one would look at it too closely at the code until I refactored it a lot…
But this was helpful, especially for showing me the benefits of a second pair of eyes.
Finally you have a dependancy on numpy, which some people may not have.
I thought it was packaged with blender now?
I barely use it though, so I’m likely better off removing the one or two places I use it.
Yes I am strange in that I am giving feedback on code, but, well, sorry.
No need for an apology! I appreciate the feedback.
I sort of learned on the fly… and now a lot of the stuff I wrote at first looks horrible even to me
Yes, that’s because I used some features added to the BGE since 2.76 was released.
I’ll see if I can make packages bundled with the appropriate blenderplayer version for each platform.
Hey Gandalf3, I loved your game a lot. I was thinking about it the other day and decided to muck about in Unreal engine 4 with your concept. 3D though instead of top down.