BGMC 27 Vote

That would be a cool idea, but it’s pretty hard to get any feedback on a fully featured game on those places, let alone a 1 week game jam game. One of the biggest problems facing game devs today is not making a good game, but getting anyone to see it in the sea of mediocrity that is the gaming market. Plus steam requires 100$ per game these days…

I think BGMC does two things really well:

  1. Gets people to finish a game. That’s something that a lot of people have never ever done before entering a game jam. There’s always one more feature to add, or some element that needs reworking before release. Waterfall development is a recipe for disaster.
  2. Gets people to play the finished games. If I can get a game that’s submitted for the BGMC to run I will play it and devote at least 10 minutes to evaluating it and writing a review on the finished projects thread. I try to be as honest as I can, pointing out good and bad points.

IMHO the competition works best when it sticks to those 2 goals. Whenever there are prizes involved, or the length of the competition gets extended or there are judges or complex voting arrangements, then something always goes a bit wrong.

@Smoking_mirror congrats on the win, PM me your paypal.

so few people voting…Grats Smoking_mirror you deserve it is a great little game…a lot of good ones this time…for such a simple concept…I think it brought out the best in people.