BGMC14 | Space Dumpster

Space Dumpster

I was intending on exporting to Linux and Mac, but the addon doesn’t seem to work any more. Just get a million lines of errors. Windows works fine for it, though.

Source .blend:
Windows 32/64:
(Please let me know if the links die)

I compiled using Blender 2.72b, so if you don’t have that version installed, it’d be a good idea to download it on Mac or Linux, or use the win32 version if on Windows.

Have fun :slight_smile:
Good luck to the other contestants .o/

Awesome! :slight_smile:

My top score.
It’d be nice to get some visual feedback about when you are bumping in to things, I wasn’t always sure if I had avoided something or not. Also sometimes the game boundary stopped me from getting a star which was a little annoying.

Anyway, congratulations on getting a finished game inside one week and good luck in the competition! :slight_smile:

Lol nice :stuck_out_tongue:
Yeah some more visual feedback would have been nice, but I don’t know how to get which vertex hit the object. I could have used a lot of sensor objects, but it got quite complicated when the collision masks weren’t working properly for me. The feedback currently there is the vignette going red and there is a cymbal “crash” sound.

The point of the game is spatial reaction; working out which stars you can and cannot get to. You aren’t supposed to be able to get every star, or else that would be too easy in my opinion. You have to watch the border indicator arrows whilst looking at the objects you need to dodge in order to do well… And the game is supposed to be annoying :wink: – I actually found myself getting frustrated in testing it, which shows that it works :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks, and good luck to you, too :slight_smile:

I usually use scene.addObject() to add things like explosions or sparks caused by collision. With that you can set the adding object using the second argument i.e
sparks = scene.addObject(“sparks”, dumpster,0)
would add the sparks in the position and orientation of the dumpster. You can also use the reference you’ve created to offset the added object:
sparks.localPosition.y += 0.5

Anyway, it was annoying in a good way, and pretty fun too. :slight_smile:

You can’t currently do that with the existing physics implementation.

You could cast rays along each face, like 8 or 12,
And use the hitPoint to add sparks,

Just name the sensor the same and use the same script in all of them,
You can also use the hitpoint, and getVectTo mixed with worldLinear velocity, and mix the vectors, and apply a force with it,

How do you get the reflection of a Ray using a hit normal?..

This was fun to play, I like the effect of the dumpster spinning when hitting objects, the borders of the screen were a little hard to play with but eventually I got the hang of it. The zooming starts looked pretty awesome as well along with the vibrant background. Awesome game!

It’s… beautiful.
The music, coupled with the ‘pretty’ colors is absolutely fantastic!
The fact that it even runs close to 60fps makes me like it even more.

Only complaint is that there’s a bit too much going on in the background,
definitely looks more modern than the N64

Ah. There’s probably many other ways of doing it then. Doing a workaround would have taken too much time for me (since I don’t know any by hand). If you check the code in the game you can tell I was in a rush :spin::wink:

Using rays isn’t the best in my opinion. It’s fine when you have a few, but it exponentially wrecks your frame rate.

I agree with your critique. Glad you enjoyed it :slight_smile:

Thanks :slight_smile:
I thought that the background would help to make it look more like N64… But, looking back, I think that it is a bit too busy for the N64 “style” – though its main intention was to enhance the difficulty in deciphering foreground from background.
It’s far below the poly count, strangely enough. I think the max the game has is like 12k tris – and that’s if I were to run all of the layers at once. The 150k limit maybe should have been 15k (I think that the N64 can run 150k tris, just before running out of memory – it probably gets 1FPS :p).

Oh yeah what are your PC specs? Quite interested to see why the performance wasn’t great. This game ran decently on the low-end laptops in the house quite fine. My little Windows tablet could even play at 30fps. My PC got 500~600fps if I turned the limit off, so it wasn’t a great benchmark.

No, the performance was perfect!

And my “PC” is actually a laptop, I was just surprised that it ran so flawlessly.
I did plan on lowering the poly count limit, believe I mentioned it in the first thread I made, back in December regarding the BGMC.

Either way, the game is great!
It was so… cool! :yes:

Great job on it!

Nice Game very funny and also very frustrating but I liked it. Nice how you still created some decent graphics with the N64 limitation.
Good job.

Simply fantastic. This has to be my all-time favorite BGMC game right behind “SKY” by Mattline1 (March 2013)
My only complaint on gameplay is how it feels like your movement is restricted when performing large maneuvers.
Maybe it’s actually not. Everything was such a blur-

Top score: 23