Better don’t watch if you’re about to play the game.
[What’s new in 0.52]
*Changed SSAO filter to version with variable noise.
*Fixed bug when after completing level 5 you can’t access 6th level through level choice menu.
*Deleted one useless backup file that used some bits of memory(called Progress.json~).
I first switched on all the effects, but unfortunately, I think they work againts the game. The game looks really pretty with them all switched off.
The filters seem abused and make the game super ugly. The game runs fine on my machine, but they are just jacked up too much and need toning down a bit.
OK! I may change SSAO to one that had variable noise. I will leave FXAA as it is. IDK about bloom - can you reccomend me a powerful one?
OK! Uploaded 0.51 version with better SSAO. Now SSAO shouldn’t ruin the look. Not sure about others. However - use or not use filter - it’s up to you! And thank you for the first review:D