Bialetti Moka Express

Hi there! First time poster here. Here’s a Bialetti Moka Express that I made. It was modeled using the physical product as a reference. Everything is made in Blender except for some simple texture work in Krita. I used geometry nodes to add some fuzz on the cloth, which contributed to the majority of the render time. I started learning Blender (and 3D in general) about five months ago and I’m having a great time so far.

I would love to hear what you think!

The HDRI is from Polyhaven, background terrazzo is from Poliigon.


That looks amazing! :coffee:

Looks great! Reminds me of my childhood (yes, my coffee addiction started a long time ago :smiley: )

This is good. Five month of blender and you can do this ? This is REALLY cool :smiley:

Your composition, renders, models are really clean. Would actually be kinda curious to see a wireframe of this !

I actually did a Bialetti myself too a few month back, this is pretty funny.

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