bicycle chain

how do i model that?
going round corners etc.

a complete circle is fine.
it wont be moving

check postings about

tank treads (chains) and how to animate such things
(OK - a bicycle chain is very small compared to such big things …)

A quick but inaccurate way would be using the Curve modifier to bend an array of chain segments (using a Path). If the curve radius isn’t too small, mesh deformation isn’t apparent and the end results might be realistic enough for your uses:

Here is the Tank Truck tutorial. This is for identical tracks. Bicycle chain alternate in shape so this method works but you will need two trucks.

Here is the Tank Truck tutorial

I think you forgot to add a link.

thanks all

iv’ seen a good tut on this one but cannot remember where it was

may be Noob to pro ?

anybody remeber this for 2.49 but same principle i guess for 2.6


Oh man, Here is the Tank Track tutorial!

that not the one i tough !

there is one for bycicle chains or alike that was done 2 years ago in 2.49 which describe the whole process step by step
but cannot remember the name
i think i have a copy on my disk but don’t know the name!

i’ll try to remember and find what the link is !

what are the other english name for this type of link ?


I got it working!
made the inner and outer links separate
give them each an array and curve thingy.
thanks all

PS see attached. not your level perhaps but works for me!


BBbikechain.blend (234 KB)

needed to correct some of the normal manually

also added 1/2 in gold the other with chrome mat

bikechain1.blend (136 KB)

have fun

sorry forgot to to correct some normal!
look at it from close and you can see one bump missing on the gold chain
you need to select faces around that bump and flip the normal then it will come back ok!

is there a simple way to animate this like rotating

have fun

i copied over the bicycle links and path to a new file.
they have stopped sticking to the curve!
what have i done wrong?


chainnotworking.blend (370 KB)