bicycle wheel Tires

right so im wondering why the technique in this tutorial isn’t working for me.
from about 10mins or so…but basically

he uses a curve as the spoke and then applies a bevel on it…thats working fine…he then adds an empty and uses an array modifier on the single spoke with the offset as the empty and the rotates the empty and the spokes rotate in a circle perfectly…

now when i do this…this happens…

as you can just about see…they fly all over the place…ive reset the location and rotation like he does in the video aswell so i really don’t know what im doing wrong.

anyone have a different array technique as i don’t really want to have to place each spoke individually :confused:

thanks as always :slight_smile:

i think you also need to center the 2 at 0 origin
then it will work !

do you havea small sample file for the spoke model

like to test it !


sure here we go…i have no idea what you mean btw lol

here is the wheel with the spoke and array set etc…
spoketest.blend (523 KB)

didtn watched the linked vid.
this was my way to do it using array modifier with an empty wich sets the offset.

thats a nice and detailed model…with your permission may i download it so i can slow it down and look at how it works?

peter, the origin for your curve is set somewhere else other than the center of the wheel. The array modifier bases the transformations of the origin on the object.

Simple fix, your 3d cursor is at the center of the empty so with the curve selected (make sure you’re in object mode). Press the space bar and search for “Origin” and choose from the results “Set Origin”. That will pop-up a menu, choose “Set Origin to 3d Cursor”. Your spokes will pop into place as you intended.

Here’s your same file with the correct origin:
spoketest.blend (529 KB)

uhhhhh such a noob lol…i tried that earlier but i done to geometry not to 3d curser…thanks for that :smiley: This forum seriously needs a +1 thing like on the web designer forum

he did fater then me
just corrected it but you already haves ample file

but this does not give you the center of the wheel of the connection to the outside wheel if needed

i mean the spin dup tool would do that i guess!
but it takes a litte longer to do it !

have fun

Of course, download it and do what you like. If still needed i can upload the blendfile.

Cheers dave

hello again…ive done the spokes…i may start a WIP thread for this but i dunno yet…

i would like to model the tires now, ive followed andrews tutorial on this and i got it to work but when i scale the beizer circle or the tracks…it deforms and goes mega messed up…ive thought about bump mapping but i want it to be modeled ideally…

anyone have any tips for tire modelling?

thanks again
car tut car tire


thanks RickyBlender…i just released that i can do it the same way as i did the spokes with an empty set to an array offset.
i have a wip thread open if anyone is interested in seeing the model :slight_smile: