big, no huge problem!

guys (and girls also of course :frowning: ) I have a big, no even bigger, or maybe a HUGE problem!!!

It started some weeks ago. I was on my bike and was heading to the shopping centre. When I was almost at the shop a BIG car just started the engine and drove away. I parked my bike agains the wall and walked away. But just seconds after that it became VERY :o warm. First I thought it was the global warming, but then I saw I was standing in a shop :expressionless: . An odd smell came into my nose. It was like I was standing in a pet shop! And somehow I was indeed standing in the pet shop :frowning: . I did buy a hamster and took it home. Then the trouble did really startsā€¦

It was a girl. She had brown hair, with a fantastic pattern. Then my brother came in the room. He said: ā€œhi, ooh nice hamster you have! Whatā€™s her name?ā€

ā€œI donā€™t know yetā€. I said. Since then he started to think about a name. His first name was ā€œMableā€. Maybe you heard that name on the news (some Dutch royal problem) Awfull I thought.

So my problem is that I need a name for my hamster. A girls name. Any ideas? :smiley:

How about Elysia. Itā€™s derived from the word elysium (or elysiun) in greek, which means blissful.


ā€œIt started some weeks ago. I was on my bike and was heading to the shopping centre. When I was almost at the shop a BIG car just started the engine and drove away. I parked my bike agains the wall and walked away. But just seconds after that it became VERY warmā€

OMG, you got ur bike stolen? u got hit by the car? u had a heartattack???

nopeā€¦ you just bought a hamster.

elysia is a cool name though. or miss blender

i thought he was gonna say somthing like.

i looked down and my guts were hanging from my body i had been slashed across the stomach by a ganfg member hanging out of the car holding a machetty, i could smell my own bile.

but NOOO a bloody hamster, ok was the hamster pissing on you, was that what was warm and smelly. or was it jsut a big fat dog shit that you stood in?


If I ever have hamsters as pets, I shall call them ā€œJamā€ and ā€œTwo-lipsā€ after the famous bad joke.

this is my hamster. sheā€™s fat so I named her Bacon. Bacon isnā€™t a very girly name though if thatā€™s what youā€™re going for.

haha, looks like your like your holding it as if youd lift a guy by his neck haha

sweet picture man

Any more ideaā€™s? :wink: :smiley:

How about: ā€˜Stubbyā€™

What a cute hamster, they always seem to run away thoe. :frowning:

Not if you hook a car battery up to their cage.

but you run the risk of it mutating into a giant super-hamster and eating you.

Ok, Iā€™ve been checking this forum for like a weekā€¦ waiting

and waitingā€¦

and waitingā€¦

Have you named the hamster yet? I just gotta know what the name will be. The suspence is killing me!!!

This morning I woke up and saw her cage! :o THE CAGE WAS OPEN! :o I ran to the cage and carefully closed it. I wasnā€™t worried cause I didnā€™t expect she could reach the top. Happy as I was I went downstairs to get something to eat. I hadnā€™t even bit my slice of bread and I heard something rustle. I know we have sometimes a couple of mice running over the roof, altought I never seen them. I was very silent for some time and then I heard it again. O my God I thought[!] I stand up causing my chair to went backwards :frowning: ā€¦ After a while I was strong enough to look behind. Then my brother came in and said ā€œgood morning, bad weather is it, isnā€™t it?ā€. It seemed to be rainingā€¦

As we were eating, he said once again ā€œwhat should be a good name for your hamsterā€. As hopeless as I was, I ran back upstairs and was trying to find some peace on the internet. So I opened my hotmail account to see if I had some news. AND YES I had one, named:

"[email protected] Topic Reply Notification - big, no huge problā€¦"

YaY! Maybe a full list of perfect suitable hamster names! :smiley:
But I could have known itā€¦, it was once again: ā€œHave you named the hamster yet? I just gotta know what the name will be. The suspence is killing me!!!ā€

As you could see, the only 4 nameā€™s came up were Elysia, miss blender, Bacon and Stubby. I think thats a VERY low number, even if you look at the number of vieuws. (4/262=0.015267175572519083969464648854962 ideaā€™s per person). Nameā€™s I had (or know) for previous hamsters were: Nimda (admin reverseā€¦), kim, maartje, wimpy, andrea. So Iā€™m looking for just simple and cute girl namesā€¦

(PS. no x0.3rednelb please, some real names.)
And A HUGE thanks for reading this . %|


Seriously man, itā€™s pretty sad to have to rely on absolute strangers to name a freakin rat.

Vigaā€™ Powpa
Sair Drigglies
Yontle Snout
The Goat
Hobbler Boggle
Shane Shane Shiny Sharoo
Dunkin Diamond
Sweat Sap
Sweet Swop
Sweat Hotty
Sweet Happy
Hop Sotty
Sop Slappy
Liggle Yowzer
Ventle Gauss
Quirdy Quad
Oogle Badoogle
Oxen Hole
Fox Ina Hole
Box Ina Mole
Egotronimus Maximus Epotrannius
Feldrickle Tigensard
Poblicans Altemules
Uncle Fabulous
Disco Shrew
Mammal Hammer
Wally The Four Legged Blender Bronco
Quixotic Flesh Tart
Lolly Plop
Hog Shadow

Need I go on?

Oke she has a name!!! :slight_smile: But of cours the story goes onā€¦
My parents are always saying that I must go away from the computer. The worst thing is, they are right.
I was understanding that only to late. The new problem is, that this deseas is catching. My hamster has it too. :frowning:
Itā€™s a real NERDHAMSTERā€¦ With a NETWORK!!!

OW btw, her name is Eva :smiley:

Finally, thank goodness she has a name. When you didnā€™t post for so long, I thought that maybe the hamster had died. Tell Eva I said ā€˜helloā€™

you should be a horro writer man, the suspense was killing me :slight_smile:
