Bigger on the Inside>

Hi there!
I’m new to the forum.
I would like to find out how to create the “Bigger On The Inside” effect as seen here:

I do not want a trick where you put the small box against a wall and then hide the big box behind the wall.

Just a small blue box housing a BIG yellow box would be great.


Basically, render part of the scene in different renderlayers and use a mask to combine between the two in compositor.
(If you mean how to do this in the game engine, then this isin’t an answer to that and you posted your question in the wrong section.)

3 renderlayers

  • 1st has outside lights, small box, frame and the ground plane
  • 2nd has the big room with monkey and room lamps
  • 3rd has a mask object which is right behind the small box frame and it has a shadeless material with all white diffuse color (value 1 or 255)

2nd and 3rd layers have sky disabled. 3rd layer has all-Z enabled.
