
My wife asked me make wallpaper for desktop with bilberry. Good.



I love this image! it is very nice. And those berries are gigantic or those baskets are very small. ^^

berries are gigantic, yep.



Pretty render!
If you care for opinions, I think there is something a bit off with your fresnel or something, I see some really strong rim reflections around most berries. That said your shader looks really nice and I’d certainly look into it if you shared it :stuck_out_tongue:

No problem, friend, .blend big size, take that ) Yep, fresnel need another.


Yes! So sexy, foodalishous! I’m conflicted between the blue render and the other one but they look great!

Sweet! Great image, loving it!

Yanal Sosak
gr8! Thanks!

Thank you for sharing! Looks like I got new wallpaper too :smiley: I absolutely love it!

Excellent job! How did you do the basket? Bevelled curves?

@nezumi - Thanks!

First time i wanted curves, but later, make easy:

circle -> cylinder to eache wertex -> circle extrude z to up & copy up on top (or mod array) -> rotate every second ring -> ALT+S edge. - > Lattice if need, for deform.

Very good, I enjoyed the floor material, you could say it was the composition of it?

Nicely made. looks real. Modellling, matls, lighting every thing perfect. We can learn from you. Shall we request a tut on this making berrries scenes. Thanks.

With your information made my own basket. Thank you!


Thank you! I could do the tutorial, but where to place it?

Very simple: Texture - color & bump -> color correct curve - Diffuse pbs.

And case very good!

Youtube is a good place for a video tutorial. If you want to write it and don’t have a blog, just start a free blog at blogger, or tumblr etc and post it there.

Eagerly waiting for your tutorials. Either Written or Video. The realism of the cherries are driving me crazy. Thanks.