Billiard Balls

Here’s an image I’ve been working on for a tutorial on depth of field and lens focal length in Blender, which eventually turned into a personal experiment with material compositing. Render time was about an hour for a 720x480 image - rendered with composited depth of field and a 15mm lens focal length. Let me know what you think!


It looks great :eyebrowlift2:

Maybe the surface of the table should have some cloth/textile kind of texture to make it even more real, and a hint more dark green (personall taste).
Maybe we should see one or more of the pockets in the background so it looks more real, not the balls kind of sits on an infinite surface.
Maybe add a cue laying beside or in the background.

How did you texture the balls, i’ve never done something like that and really wanna learn.
Was it all texture? the half color balls was that also made with texture?
Each ball has to be uniqe right? so you can use a separate texture on each, you can’t use morror/array on this right?
Is the color of the balls from texture or set with Blender material?
If you don’t mind please post a few picture of your textures and tell us a little of your process.

Nice work :wink:

Sure I’ll post some pictures when I can organize them. Not every ball has a number on them, just the balls where you would be able to see the number. That saved time on texture-making.

Every ball is composed of two materials: the first is a white material with the number on it, and the second one is a material with the color of the ball. The materials are separated using a black and white texture mask, which is plugged into the Fac input on the Mix node (there’s a mask for the solid balls and a mask for the striped balls). To make sure the textures lined up properly I UV mapped a single sphere, then duplicated it so the UV’s were preserved.

I like the idea of adding a cue. I’ve already been toying with the idea of putting the wall of the billiard table in the background, but I haven’t gotten around to modeling it yet. I’ll take a look at creating a texture for the tabletop as well I can see what you mean about it being too uniform.


To make sure the textures lined up properly I UV mapped a single sphere, then duplicated it so the UV’s were preserved.

Some lines are missing here. Try to be more helpful. How can I assign different textures here?

You’ll have to be a little more specific. I explained how I made the material, what do you mean by “assigning different textures”? All I meant by preserving the UV’s was by duplicating an already UV-mapped sphere I didn’t have to re-make the UV map every time I created a ball - which means instead of creating 15 different UV maps, I only needed to make the first one.