Very, very cool. But… what is that operating table for in the first picture? It has legs spread out but nothing for arms? Definitely looks sinister. I like the operating lamp above it, too.
Computer consoles are mostly in place now, chair now has sculpted pads with split seams and stitching (stitching is kind hard to see here, the shader will have more color contrast from the pad in the final version), greebling and buttons added to various things, base-units added to tanks beneath floor, more cables beneath the floor, floor grate is thinner to show under-floor-stuff better (I’ll probably add tron lights to those things so they’re more visible), doodads added to walls, and some other stuff I’m probably forgetting.
Another great update and these details continue to make it a great project. BTW I really enjoyed watching your floor grate tutorial. Thanks again for posting it.
I’m really looking forward to seeing what your going to do once textures are added. Just wondering do the tubes contain fluid or what will be happening inside of those?
I decided at the last minute to add some ceiling cladding, so pardon the temporary dark diffuse shader on it, it will be more metallic in the final version. Other than that, the main thing I still want to do is add a plume or smoke or two coming up through the floor, probably at the bottom right where the image is mostly empty space.
Still debating whether I have too much fill light, or not enough. I keep worrying I’m slipping back into the trap of too-dark-renders, but then I look at it full size and think there’s too little shadow and contrast. Maybe that’s a sign i have it right. :eek:
Also, I’ve tried mixing in more purple colors to break up the teal-blue monotony. How do people like it?