I just saw a ton of birds flying north again from there migration - it was about 50,000 and they were flying through my yard at about eye level. It’s funny that I never really paid attention to this before because I assumed that nature would always be on time with stuff like this, but with global warming and stuff I was wondering is January too early for birds to fly north again?
As for what type of birds they were: I don’t know but they were little and black and this is North America =)==:D
Losin track of time. Listening to the radio a listener called to say she saw her first butterfly allready (we are breakin heat record after heat record at the moment in belgium)
and mushrooms have started growing again in the garden…
The world had similar weather in 1998, though the average temperature is steadily rising.
A lot of scientists say that this will indirectly trigger a great freeze at some point… something like a mini ice age. I say we nuke some active volcanoes and make it happen sooner rather than later.
well if you knew much about migration you’d already know that they basically fly from north america to south america adn then back again, they use the whole continent and as a result they end up flying through a broad selection of the countrys and states in a big eliptical loop, so being very specific doesn’t really matter seeing as I could not identify what species of bird I was looking at.
And what I mean by that is that long range migrating birds don’t migrate from north mississippi to eastern texas they go all the way down to south america. That’s kinda the way that climates work from my understanding.
maybe I sound a little peeved but this is a serious issue to all of us; and if people aren’t paying any attention at all the way it appears that your not from some of these responses, then yeah, that’s something that concerns me greatly; news flash the earth is TINY - it can be destroyed EASY
btw, I wouldn’t panic because of climates so much as from human stupidity to just let this all happen without noticing any of it.
Well i don’t know if this is related at all to your case, but i kinda like the idea. So i’ll tell you.
In the south of frace a bird, whose name i can’t remember, migrates south to north africa when it gets cold. And back again when north africa gets too warm… However some years ago, one bird was born with a genetic mutation. As we all know mutations change something about the bird, in this case. North becaume south and south became north
So when it became cold in southern france, the bird migrated to britain to get warmer… The bird survived and returned, and today it’s offspring ( all having the mutation ) are actually outsurviving the original birds. Because the birds, although being rare and protected from hunting in both france and north africa. Its not in spain, and many birds die during the migration.
So this proves that when everybody goes one way, you should be stubborn and go the other way…
where i live it’ already seems like an ice age - well, it is january, but this winter it seems alot colder and there is soooooo much snow - we’ve already had over 100 in- and with drifting, it seems even worse…
and with all the snow, we had to get one of those front end loader machine thingys to clear the roads, and even with that having tire chains, it still took about 5 hrs to do it
watched Gore’s video Inconvenient Truth. Interesting fact is that the caterpillars are hatching earlier and becoming butterfiles, and the bird’s hatchlings arrive too late, cause they’re on the ‘old’ weather cycle.
The Ice Age is only if the ice on Greenland continues to melt and dumps fresh water into the north atlantic, shutting down the Gulf Stream and thereby not carrying cold water south. Of course, the fact that Greenland ice IS melting does not help me remain calm about this.
Sadly no, it was in a article a few years ago about evolution. But i’ll try to look, it may be due to global warming and that seems the obvious answear. However… This is the off-topic forum is it not ?
well I do know that it isn’t snowing in some places in RUSSIA - and yes its January. Poor bears aren’t hibernating as they should. First time in memory where it isn’t knowing in Russia’s January.
Well just so you all know, I’m Pro-Global Warming. if it could be summer all year round, that would be awesome, just think, sand volleyball all year long, oh yeah
Seriously though, I don’t think that all that dumping of the ice into the water would flood us to horribly, maybe by a few feet and I definantly don’t think that it would snap into an ice age. Here’s one thing to think about, maybe an ice age is like a natural occurance that cycles around, kinda like el nino, or maybe we’re experiencing somthing similar to el nino.
Yeah, I’m Pro-Global Warming. So put on your shades and soak up the sun boys.
Myshu: I’m sure Hitler is sitting right now in hel going totally berserk over that piece of news. Perhaps he should have embarked on “the-great-tree-demolishing-plan” to increase CO2 and thereby melt the snow in russia leading to certain and instant victory… or somethin.
Jackblack: You obviously don’t live in denmark… A few metre would mean the complete submerging of the capitel, but hey that would mean canals. A modern day venice!.. though i doubt the owners of the celler shops are equally thrilled.
I once read a book about geologi, it had a fancy little graph over the temperature in the past many many years. And according to it, today was warmer then most of the time before us, and a lot more stable… So perhaps global warming is totally naturel, and nothing we do will affect it??
Venice is sinking, did you guys know that. THey are building massaive walls around the city because its flooding there ALL THE TIME basically. Of course they don’t want to make too big of a deal out of it becasue they LIVE OFF OF TOURISM.
There is an entire island nation that was flooded too. A whole nation… permanetnly flooded. The people have no wehre to go, because it was an underdeveloped country and people think they will only contribute to crime/welfare etc.
Isn’t that lame, that you flood a person’s home and then tell them they are too dirty to come live with you afterwards?