BL 3.3 Keymap for viewport?

how can i change the Pan and Rotate keymap for the viewport ?

i need to swap these 2 !

looks that keymap has change from 2.79 !

happy bl

You can still search for the hotkeys binded to controls or operators using the User Preferences, Keymap searchbar.

did not see any list of keymap
does it still exist ?

i need to change the Middle mouse wheel

middle mouse = Pan
Shift Middle mouse = Rotate

is it only a swap of these 2 keymap

so where are these now or what name should i use ?

it was part of the 3D viewport ect.

happy bl

Are you sure you’re looking in the User Preferences Editor?

We’re both using Blender 3.3, so yes, I believe it still does exist.

Search for the words “Pan” and “Rotate” under the Keymap Editor category View 3D (this is the 3D Viewport category).

i search the the Manual BL 3.3 and could not find anything for 2.79!
i know that in 2.8 there was still some parameter to use this 2.79 equivalent set

i some how made a new Default Start file for BL 3.3 and now seems to work fine - at least the UV editor now work as it should

hopefully it will stay like this

thanks for feedback
happy bl