BL 4.0 major breakdown!

looks like Bl 4.0 won’t be able to append objects from file earlier then BL 3.6

cause Mesh data is changing structure and not compatible backward before BL 3.6

anyone working on some SVN or free addon to help append or import objects from Bl 2.70 or earlier

that would definitely help for backward BL files

happy bl

where did you read that ? I managed to open old files from 2.6 area without issues with a recent blender 4.0

that is from the BL 4.0 release notes
trying to relocate the new Mesh data!

if it does work then fine

happy bl


  • The mesh format changes from previous versions are now included in the Blender file format.
    • Blender 3.6 LTS can read files from 4.0, but earlier versions cannot.
    • Blender 3.6 LTS will save meshes in a format compatible with older versions of Blender, so it can be used as conversion tool if needed.

Reference/Release Notes/4.0 - Blender Developer Wiki

happy bl

The problem is the reverse. If you save a file in 4.0 you can not open it in versions earlier that 3.6 or append things)… 4.0 files simply crash 3.5.

It is annoying and worth tacking into account, I would recommend not using 4.0 for important stuff until it is official.

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but cannot import in 4.0 from BL 2.79
mesh data is not compatible

happy bl

Ok I just checked,

This is a file I made in 2.66 in 4.0

Edit I can append objects as well.

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when you say to open 2.79 file
with what 3.6 or 4.0

if you open object’s data are not compatible !

happy bl

That is a file I made and saved in 2.66 (years ago) and I opened in 4.0 today (file - open, not append). It opened fine.

So 4.0 can open a file from 2.66 (or 2.79)

Edit will append.

Hum, yeah there is some data wrangling when opening files but never noticed this isn’t triggered also on appending, maybe that’s a bug ?

Anyway, @RickyBlender , with blender you can always open old files and get something, obviously when the internal render isn’t there anymore when opening old files you loose part of shader definition.
But everything else might be there…

But I think the issue is say, to open a 4.0 file in 3.4/3.5, this isn’t going to work.
But it’s very likely that you can open a 3.4 file in 4.0 and probably even very old 2.49 style .blend in 4.0 and get a result.

In 4.0, if appending from an older version doesn’t work, that is most likely a bug, and can be reported. That’s backward compatibility, and it meant to work almost completely for Blender in general. It’s forward compatibility is different, where the intermediate step of saving with 3.6 is necessary to get meshes from 4.0 into older versions.


I have checked again and I can append objects from files saved in 2.66.
I do not know what I was doing wrong before.

i tried the latest BL 4.0
and no luck

i will get a new PC in 1 or 2 months

then it should work i guess
but still not certain what the minimum GPU will be for Blender

happy bl

Ok I have found out what is going on, I can select single objects and append them without problems.

But in the append dialog, If I select all the objects with the A key and click append I get a popup error message with the file path and “nothing indicated”.

If I first select one object from the list (making sure that the objects name shows in the “file name” box at the bottom) and then select all the other objects with the A key, I can append all objects with no error.

So it is just a case of making sure at least one object’s name shows up in the “file name” box.

I checked in 3.5 you can just select all with A and append all the objects even if there is no objects name in the that box.

Not sure if it worth reporting as a bug?

RickyBlender Not sure if this is the same thing that s happening to you?

As long as at least one of the objects name show in that dialog box I can append any object, single and multiple objects.

Yes, please report it. This sounds like very annoying behavior.

no my machine is getting too hold
so really need to get a new one

but undecided if i go with big machine and Nvidia card or just a simple video card working only on CPU !

happy bl