Black Hole v6

While I have managed to optimize the lensing so that it runs much faster, I think I didn’t get the colors quite as good as the other ones, and the volumetric accretion disk is not very satisfying
any thoughts on how to improve it?

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Maybe the accretion disk needs to turn more and more into a fine ring pattern towards the center? Something that conveys the matter is rotating ever faster and stretching as it approaches the black hole.

I have an alternate way to do lensing that I have been investigating. Here is an exemple scene:

black_hole_lensing.blend (1.1 MB)

It’s made by extruding the rings of a sphere inwards. Then, the material is made with a gradient texture which increases the ior as you get closer to the center. The whole thing only works from the camera, so it needs a tracking constraint.

This makes the lensing much cleaner in the background. However, it seems to cause artifacts close to the middle of the black hole. Maybe it just needs more layers? It’s not a perfect technique either, but it might be worth investigating.

Hmm interesting
I’ll see how it goes in my next render

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