
w.i.p, this was model, uv and hand painted textured completely in Blender 3D. It’s only 70% done. Here’s my inspiration for the piece.…


Wow… its looking really great! Did you used any tutorial for the painting or the uv mapping ? Im trying to learn this things and im kind strugling =/

This looks really nice, keep it up!

Also if I may, how did you archive the cubemap-like reflections on the metal?

Modeling and materials look real good, but take note: it requires prolonged exposure to the elements combined with neglect to produce the kind of corrosion seen on the blade, and the wear would also be visible on the trim & hilt, more so, in fact, because the blade is a harder & more resistant form of metal.

If this is a blade currently in use by someone, they should be ashamed to let it rust so badly as to be so pitted, most people take much better care of their knives, axes, swords, etc., because the corrosion can dull an edge drastically, and without an edge, a blade is not much better than a lightweight club.

Design note: The very sharp spur at the end of the quilliion is impractical and could be a liability by becoming snagged in clothing when the blade’s in use. Better a more rounded shape there, I think.