.blend@ files

This is odd. I saved a blend on my memory stick, unmounted it, and moved the stick from my laptop to my desktop. Now the file shows up as boatswains pipe.blend@. I’ve never seen anything like this before. It loaded into blender, but after saving, I now have a file called boatswains [email protected].

Has anyone seen anything like this before? Anybody know what the @ signifies?

Never seen before. What OS and filesystem are you using?

Laptop, which saved the file, is Sabayon linux (gentoo variation) with an ext3 filesystem, the Desktop, which read the file, is Windows XP with, well, with I think FAT32, but I can’t find where windows keeps that information. I don’t know what the memory stick was formatted as, probably FAT 32.

I’ve had those before, I don’t know why. I had those but my os was windows XP

This @ sign I have seen I think in 2.40 ( I am not exactly rememebring the version)
The situation was this:-.

  1. I am working on file abcd.blend
  2. I appended one object from efgh.blend
  3. When I try to save the file abcd.blend, It saves as efgh.blend@
    To resolve what I did
    Rename efgh.blend@ as abcd1.blend
    rename abcd.blend1 as abcd.blend
    and the problem was solved. In the new version this problem didn’t occur.

Its not a problem. Blender renames things temporarily by putting an @ in it, it can then do all its shuffling of .blend1 through .blend32 without having anything have the same extension.

normally it does it so fast that you wouldn’t notice, but it is a result of having a file opened that is being appended to another file and trying to save it…