Blender 2.35 crash (at first spacebar stroke)

Just downloaded the new 2.35 and every / any time I try to use the space bar Blender just crash

Anyone having the same problem ???

Windows 98 SE
AMD Athlon 2Ghz

I had no problem with Blender with ANY older versions

Don’t know how it works on 98 but on XP you can go to System Tools >> System Information >> Software Environment >> Windows Error Reporting. Then use DrWatson in Tools to get details of the error message.
Once you know what caused it you can try to track it down. Until then any of the usual guesses are just guesses… faulty download or install, drivers, OpenGl incompatibility (2.35 comes with a major OGL upgrade), conflict with uninstalled stuff…


Thanks, I wanted to know if someone else is having the same problem

BTW the problem is with the menu system, not only with the spacebar

I will check all the errors log, hope to find a way to solve it.

THIS IS A TRANSLATION… so, the error message is not the same as in english (my system is in spanish)

NVIDIA Compatible Open GL ICD used a pointer to a not initialized

Module name: NVOPENGL.DLL
Description: NVIDIA Compatible OpenGL ICD
Product: NVIDIA Compatible OpenGL ICD
Made by: NVIDIA Corporation

Aplication name: Blender.exe

I am downloading right now the drivers update from Nvidia, hope this solve the problem

BUT if you have any other considerations, please, help me

Thanks a lot !!!

Well it did not work at all

Now, with the new nvidia drivers… Windows HANG !!!

what else can i do ???

You could try a rollback to older drivers but I don’t know enough about this to help. At least you know what the problem is.


Fligh: Thanks, i did. I’m working with the old drivers but still can’t work with 2.35 :frowning:
Right now i’m downloading Blender 2.35a (hope this can help)

i will download monitor drivers as well, but i must say this is a “blind” quest