Blender 2.5 Bevel Tool, where did it go?

Was the bevel tool removed? If so, why? Sure, it sometimes made some pretty nasty triangles, but fixing some faces was much easier then creating beveled edges from scratch. The bevel modifier doesn’t have nearly as much flexibility the tool had.

2.5 is still only in an alpha state so not all the functionality has yet been ported from 2.4x. If it’s not present in the final release that would be a problem but that is far off still. You don’t have to use 2.5, use the best tool for the job, that may currently be blender 2.49.


Sorry, not trying to raise a ruckus. Just concerned about a possible loss in functionality, it was one of my favorite tools and I was just working on something that needed it.

Once things like bmesh are incorporated, the possibilities for other new mesh tools will be greater than what would be possible in 2.49

Bevel is probably not ported back to 2.5 yet, because the new BMesh code will replace EditMesh. So implementing Bevel at the moment would be a waste of time. Just wait a few more months and you’ll get it. I’m sure it’ll be much more awesome (more than one step possible - hopefully) than the older one when it arrives :).

ah bevel modifier? ever looked at that?

if you say this to a blender developer, he’d tell you that bmesh was already in 2.49 and that bevel was the only function that made use of it…
just saying :wink:

they’s also tell you that bevel isn’t in 2.5 because bmesh isn’t in 2.5…

Although I have only been using Blender for five months, the Bevel tool was one of the first things that I learned to avoid. Although it’s a neat idea, the extra edges it often generates are a pain to clean up. It was easier for me,as a noob, to make a habit of building in the bevels as needed as a part of the modeling process. If I overlook one, there’s always CTRL+R.

Could someone take a moment to explain how this can be used on individual edges… something similar to a chamfer.

I’m another person who loves 2.5 and I spend as much time using it versus 2.49 as possible… but the bevel tool is sorrily missed.

Everytime I try to use the Bevel modifier it just uniformly bevels the entire object. I’ve tried using weight painting but haven’t been able to figure it out.

You could read the documentation ?
Use Bev Weight for individual edges (Ctrl+Shift+E or Mesh / Edges / Adjust Bevel Weight for blender 2.4x, may not be available in 2.5, depending on the build you are using. An advantage of sticking with 2.4x until 2.5 is in a more useable form). Apply multiple bevel modifiers for recursive bevels.


Um, it does have angle-based beveling you can use (the ‘angle’ button at the bottom of the interface)

get the free amapi version
it has better boolean and bevel tools since ages …

I took a look at the wiki and followed the instructions for adding bevel weights (2.4x) you’re correct, this doesn’t work in 2.5 (I’m using rev.27226)

As for the angle based idea, that won’t allow me to select the edges I want the bevel to affect.

looks like 2.49 is where I’ll be doing my modeling.

I’m not really looking to go into another app to do this but I’m always curious to see what’s out there. I wasn’t able to find it by doing a google search and as far as I can tell it’s been discontinued. Is this right?

All I could find were demo versions of the pro version on places like cnet and brothersoft

why isnt the bevel mod changed to this? noone wants 3 vertices but 4. it would also be easier for UV.

is it hard or noone wants to use the bevel modifier?

I just wanted to comment that while the left bevel certainly looks useful, the right one still has its uses, especially in hard and lowpoly modeling (I’m not afraid of triangles)

I’ve been doing my latest with 2.5…and just use 2.49 for objects that I must use dear old “bevel center” for…then Shift-F1 that object…not too much hassle …considering