Blender 2.5 Shortcuts Keymap

Hey Everyone!

A little context: When I started using Blender I found the 2.40 keymap on and found it extremely useful:

When 2.5 came out, I realized some shortcuts had changed, so I went looking around for a complete up to date Blender 2.5 shortcuts keymap, a lot to ask for I know ;). Although I found several, nothing really fit the bill. Either the shorcuts were outdated, missing, hard to read or plain wrong.

So I did what any sensible person would do, I created my own. Well sort of, I did come across William’s new layout proposal:

I loved the look of this keymap, particularly because the colors used for each modifier key (Ctrl,Alt, Shift) made the distinction between each shortcut very visible. Also, it was one of the few where you’d have enough space to list all the shortcuts associated to a particular key (excluding the shortcuts using two modifier keys: Ctrl + Alt, Ctrl + Shift).

After some work, the result is a recreation of William’s keymap but updated to match the shortcuts for the latest version of Blender (2.55 as of this writing). I’ve done my best to list the shortcuts as they appear in the Blender menus, there are a few places where I had to improvise because the title in the menu didn’t fit. I have to admit it’s a bit small but still very readable.

I’ve rendered 3 different versions with varying dpi, 90, 120 and 135. Keep in mind Picasa doesn’t display the images at full resolution, you need to download the image to see it full size. Choose your poison:



135 dpi

If there are any mistakes please let me know and I’ll update the keymap accordingly.

On a last note, I think it would be nice to have this posted on It’s very handy for me and I’m sure others would also find it very useful. Any clue on how that can happen?

Enjoy :slight_smile:

My CG Society Portfolio:

Anyone know if Blender2.56 changed any of the shortcuts? We’ll eventually find out, but just in case the info is already out there.

Working an updated version with some a nice surprise, stay tuned :slight_smile:

Thanks Ramesses. :slight_smile:
I’m going to put this on a plane/background on layer 20 to reference while Blending.
Looking forward to the update.

Hey Ragui
Thanks for this awesome chart.
I can’t post it on, But I would be glad to put it on, with your permission of course

Hey Spiderguy, That sounds great, happy it’s coming in handy. Even though it’s in the png itself, please mention that it was based on William Reynish’s work :).

Nice site BTW, added to my bookmarks.